Darth Mario

Being the best in the sequel trilogy doesn’t make it a good movie.

The difference is The Empire Strikes Back is pretty awesome, and The Last Jedi kinda’ sucks.

I don’t think the Venn diagram of “preppers” and “drunk chicks in Daisy Dukes” overlaps too much.

I look forward to Trump speaking with them.

Can’t decide if Musk is the dumbest smart person or the smartest dumb person. 

Delia, you are a flake. You have always been a flake. If you insist on frightening people, do it with your sculpture.

When cops are disgruntled Star Trek fans. 

Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.

He’s 20x’d the stock price in 7 years...the board of Tesla (and it’s shareholders) loves him.

The appeal comes almost entirely from the cool helmet and the animated portion of the Star Wars Christmas Special.  

I just watched Death Proof again last night and Zoe Bell is out of her fucking mind.

Callisto is the very best thing about the entire series. So cute. So crazy.

Basically, any episode with Callista. God, was she hot. The crazy made her hotter.

The Tesla earnings call is Elon’s call. He makes it, he sets the rules.


it’s amazing how bad being right can look sometimes.

Shhhhh, just let him enjoy it. 

Ok, refresh my memory, which one’s the autistic one again?

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There is a severe lack of Cutey Honey on this list!