Darth Mario

Action movies?

Congratulations AVClub. You have successfully transitioned to being Forbes! 

The lack of any Schwarzenegger (unless I missed it) is a serious oversight.

I just hope Dr. Strange 2 is really, frickin weird.

I’m surprised CBS kept a show with black leads on for that long.

So that’s a never ending story parody, Prometheus, children of the corn and obviously return of the Jedi. Right?

And the best chance of stopping Trump is by electing a senile old possible rapist who defunded Social Security and opposes public healthcare for Americans, who has no policy alternatives to offer other than keeping things as they are.

Now this is real automotive journalism.  Thank you.

Oh wow, look. Another Gizmodo Musk hit-piece.

1. Tesla

this film is absolutely terrific. 

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Excellent, well curated list. I would add The Heroic Trio (1993), a superhero adventure that features Chinese superstars Michelle Yeoh, Maggie Cheung and Anita Mui as the titular team. Its a bit goofy, but the charisma and chemistry of the three leads, as well as some classic ‘90s wire fu, makes it highly enjoyable.

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These are some good choices, particularly the two Shaw Brothers titles. For more Lady-centered Shaw films, I would recommend:

Pretty sure getting beamed up is the equivalent of getting into the van that has candy.

Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away??? 

Begun the Corporate Wars have.

They can’t even get the BO smell out of the stores what the heck do they think they can do with coronavirus?  

I think you’re on to something.

Bruce’s cameo is as a really obnoxious stage magician.  I can see it.

No mention of Darkman???