Darth Mario

Now I want a whole series of Star Wars versions of famous paintings.

Are you kidding? It looks awesome. Not in a normal way, its disgustingly ugly, but imagine how terrified everyone else on the road will be of you in it.

Utilitarian “truck”s can haul a sheet of OSB with the tail gate UP! I want to know how far it can drive at 0 degrees F towing a skid steer. The guy who did my solarium concrete work throws OSB in the bed and tows his around with a Chevy 1/2 ton.

and even us finicky critics seem to love everything he does.

Ruin Johnson is hipster knob and his fans are are hipster posers. Tlj was an illogical mess of garbage filled by mr egg mans ego. How do you fly behind the enemy, get to a casino, dick around for 2 days doing nothing, then fly to the enemy, dick around, do nothing, BUT the enemy can’t catch up to your slow a@@

that was also the first time we got to see Boba. slag on the xmas special all you want, but my friends and i were SO stoked for ESB after that.

Theory: the Mandalorian aimed for the beskar Greef showed him.

Pascal’s delivery is so like Eastwood’s Man With No Name that I can’t stop looking at this show as a western.

Seriously. Please don’t. As a Star Wars comics reader, I’m of the opposite opinion that less is more. Those comics are good!

There are more people whining about crybabies than there are crybabies. That’s amusing. I wonder if they secretly agree but are too cowardly to admit it. 

I’m on board only if they bring back this Anakin.

(scoffs) “Skywanker...”

I want so badly to be excited about this movie. But JJ Abrams has fooled me too many times with his Star Wars and Star Trek movies. At this point I know what to expect. Trailers full of stupefying imagery, like incarnate storyboards, and then a subsequent movie where these visual setpieces are linked together by the

Cue all the butthurt people complaining about the possibility of fanboys complaining about Star Wars woes.

Droid cancer. It’s terrible but it happens when they get old.

“The lead-up to the release of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker has felt oddly uneventful”

Oh shit, Tipper Gore’s on Kinja!

Make Trebuchets Great Again.

This is the wrong place to complain about censorship of Japanese art. It never goes well around here.