Darth Mario

I can easily tell The last image is not the first Thor.

I can easily tell The last image is not the first Thor.

God this show was stupid

If they’d just followed Terminator rules for time travel and had them go naked, they could have saved a ton of time. Also, the film would have made an additional $27 billion.

A politician can say anything.  It is their actions, however, by which one should judge their intent.   In all cases.  

I would expect the actual production version of an electric S-Class to be toned down somewhat

Stop punishing young women for making you horny.

Crazy lighting feels like an EV design feature these days.  I know these lights use very little electric, BUT they have to use some and isn’t that wasteful? I can’t remember a car maker that ever put an eternal flame on their car in some oddly wasteful design feature.  

Unless you are Trumpity Dump Dump, you have to have a permanent filter in place. It’s a bizzaro mirror world where because one blatantly racist dementia victim with a massive persecution complex and a deeply deserved ingrained inferiority issue has been elevated to “president”, every other person running against him

You touched on the reason why it’s impossible for Sony to stick to their guns: Spider-man is a corner stone of the Marvel universe, and the new movies had succeeded because he’s now interacting with it all. It’s the basis of world building in the comics, and I’m having a hard time remembering a single spider-man arc

GOP against liberals, and Christians against anyone not their brand of Christian, are constantly using a technique where their enemies are BOTH the most devastating force of nature and the most ineffectual kind of people.

progressives are so soft and weak as to need safe spaces
are also changing the very fabric of

That’s the future.  Autonomous driving is coming, because few people really want to be involved in the driving process. 

Every stripper I’ve ever seen genuinely wants to fuck me. It’s clear.

Can Kat Dennings be She-Hulk? Please?

Lol, let me guess. I’m going to say, “Because it will help frame the current socioeconomic, political and existential circumstances that the black community suffers from.” To which you’ll move the goal posts and play dumb by saying, “So telling people they were once slaves is helping them not suffer anymore?”.

See, but the Confederate statues remind people about the civil war and how we ‘eliminated’ slavery.

And conservatives are all about bringing people together ... in camps.

As always, shut the fuck up Tomato.

I think Rashomon is a much better example of his range; Playing through the same scenario from different perspectives, all convincing but none of which are the truth...