
Because some people just don’t want other people to have other opinions than them. They just can’t stand the idea that other people see the world in different ways and think different.

That’s sadly true. Germany is the best (worst?) example for this. Their top-priority regarding their military is making it “family friendly”, instead of giving them the tools to defend their own lifes and the lifes of their allies when needed.

Sarcasm aside: The only way to only get the “good ones” would be the Canadian way (I think most other not-european countries do it that way as well). That is: you take the refugees straight out of the camp in the middle east instead of letting anyone enter the country illegally. That way it’s sure that they’re not

It isn’t, at least not completely. It makes a lot of over-simplifications about german laws. In fact, there are over a thousand rightful criminal charges, but it will be impossible to find the criminals.

Don’t you see how progressive we are? We let all these women-hating people in our country, what more do you want?

Even if that one person was willing to do so - there is absolutely no chance to smuggle nuclear material out of a power plant without someone noticing. And everyone working in a nuclear power plant would know that.

So because no real argument or FACTS could do it, some made up absolutely not-funny story / comedy will? Yeah.... no.

What is she “wearing” in the 3 pictures at the bottom? Looks like she’s holding a towel :P. Seriously though: in which situation does she change her outfit anyway? I thought the only person with a second set of cloth was Maru with her nurse-outfit.

That for sure, and I’m really looking forward to mods that add even more content. Just saying that there aren’t any great mods right now, which isn’t suprising since the game’s release was just two weaks ago ;)

I wouldn’t call any of the available mods “great”. They’re quite fun because they add cool aesthetics to the characters or change some gameplay-elements some people find annoying, but none of them really adds anything to the game.

I wonder if they can even feed them false information and commands. In the best case you can play them out against each other, and even in the worst case they stop trusting any information they get. Deception always was one of the most powerful weapons, and these guys seem like they can be fooled by even the most

The reason why self-claimed liberals are defending him? Because conservatives don’t, and since everything conservatives do is essentially evil that boy and everything he did must be good.<— Logic of some people. They’re like teenagers.

You DO know that such “tests” are illegal? And that such a manouver certainly would lead to war...?

In a war between the USA and China, no one would care about these islands because such an conflict would end in nuclear warfare.

Well, if your dream is just your uterus stopping it’s job (that is giving you the risk of getting pregnant and causing annoying periods) that could actually be possible, but it won’t make the organ disintegrate. It would just be an early menopause.

That’s actually worth noting: this procedure isn’t perfect and doesn’t always lead to childbirth (because no medical procedure is, and this one seems like it’s still quite experimental). Taking an organ from an already dead person propably lowers the chance even more.

I’m no doctor, but I doubt that any organ can just completely disintegrate within you, especially not one that large.

As far as I know it definitely gets removed in a second surgery (otherwise she’d need to take immune-suppressors for the rest of her life) but I doubt you will be able to use it a third time. Transplanted organs usually have a lower life-expectancy than your own organs anyway, transplanting it multiple times wouldn’t

Talking about “no matter the risk”: all the commenters around here don’t seem to understand what serious surgery an uterus-transplantation is. Plus the to-be-mother will need to take immune-suppressors that can lead to serious infections, PLUS she’ll ned t0 get a second surgery to remove the uterus later. There was a

As part of this world: no, no you’re absolutely not.