
I didn’t even notice this was foxtrotalpha, thought this was still Gizmodo. Although there’s still a difference between people just interested in such things and the people I mean (people being very aggressive about such things, the same people nitpicking about everything and half of their posts being insults / brag).

I think the “navy’s army” part isn’t that bad, since they could do jobs that neither the navy nor the army is specialised in. But having them as an own branch of the military is just stupid, because them having the same equipment and doing the same jobs as either the army, navy or airforce is simply redundant.

Monotremes are a group of mammals, though ;) Mammals are divided into marsupials, monotremes, and placentalia.

I think the point is that these animals aren’t likely to attack without reason, only in self-defense. Because if you want to be nitpicking, a lot peaceful / not dangerous animals can kill you under the right circumstances.

But then they’re only in range for a few of the enemies, not for the whole enemy army (which can happen even in choke points when the defending unit kills attackers). I did this tactic, too, but only when I’m sure that my next move will either destroy all close enemies or at least kill enough so that the rest of the

It’s dissapointing that doing nothing and just defending (essentially hiding) is an effective strategy now. Previous games forced you to move and preferably get the first strike on the enemy. Also choke points could be deadly for a defending unit, because even the most tanky-ones can die when they’re attacked 10 times

Wow, I haven’t heard that one. That’s a hot candidate for the “most stupid argument of the century”-award. Imagine all the good things people could have done using the money now essentially wasted on stadiums and the like. I mean, of course it’s good that they do at least something, but considering the costs compared

There is ABSOLUTELY NO reason and NO excuse to not tell your partner when you cheated. If you’re for any reason too afraid too tell, than you’re not made for each other, anyway. Then you’re just a bad human being, a selfish existence keeping this secret just to not be alone.

I really don’t understand why such countries get to host such huge events in the first place (except the money, of course). Brazil should get rid of it’s poverty and sanity problems before trying to invite the whole world as it’s guests. And whoever let Qatar have the next world cup: whatever that guy smoked, I want

That’s strange, because if you read the article it says that they aren’t against natural family planning, that is sex during days in which women aren’t fertile - that is sex that (propably) won’t lead to procreation.

So? Good good for you evolution alows your to do whatever you want, even in high age. That still doesn’t change the fact that caring about grandchildren once was the reason why longlivety after being fertile has been positively selected by biological evolution - even though our cultural evolution outran biology years

No, but if you seriously think this is the result of this paper you should feel bad, because no one said or even implied anything like this.

Do you see anyone forcing you to do this? Fucking no.

Don’t blame women - it’s just Gawker / Jezebel.

Bullshit. Spiders don’t (always) die after mating, neither do all insects. There are many cases in which the female will kill / eat the male, but that’s actually not as frequently as some people think it is. Also: not all marsupial (which isn’t a species but a class of mammals) males die after they mate - to be

I’m pretty sure that IF all scientists and space-agencies said that this was a bad idea, the russians wouldn’t do it - they aren’t stupid, and they’re living on the same planet as we do so they have no reason to be careless about this.

We’re not able to push any asteroid far enough that it’ll hit any planet with life. If anything we could change it’s orbit by a few degrees (that’s enough for it to miss us), but in any case it’d still be bound to an orbit around the sun. It won’t leave our solar system, so there’s no chance of it hitting any other

Well, this whole thing is primarily a scientific experiment, so it would be hard to keep the planning secret until the launch since there would be many civilian scientists involved, anyway. Also telling everyone in advance could make sure that others are maybe willing to assist this project.

Now what’s worse, I wonder...?

Fun-Fact: Most discussions about male circumcision under this article are started by posts like yours. Just don’t start the topic and ignore anyone doing it - problem solved.