
Someone should check their sources, because in the german media the girl didn’t admit anything. In fact, her mother still says the girl’s story is true. The reason why this story is called a fake is because her cellphone was at a friend’s house at the night of the allegadly rape and the friend says she was there, too.

Thanks for explaining your points (to be clear: I definitely didn’t want to insult you with my statement, so I’m really happy about such an answer - in hindsight I think I could have phrased my post more sensible)

You propably don’t even notice the racism of your post, do you? First: being so specific about african AMERICANS excludes the black people from all other parts of the world - especially Africa itself.

You do realize that the crusades were in the past, while islamic terror is in the present, don’t you? I don’t know of any christian-motivated terror groups today. Except maybe the Lord’s resistance army, but most of their believes actually come from some indegenous religion.

As a few people already said: It’s not widely accepted, nor is their much public display for this kind of thing. It’s just that the Japanese usually don’t care what you’re doing in your freetime as long as you’re “normal” in public. At least that’s what I usually hear from people.

That’s news to me (also German). Which games are censored around here because of nudity (even if it’s children or child-ish looking characters) any more than the “normal” Steam version? Seriously asking, because I’m not really into this genre anyway so I have no idea about censorship with this kind of game.

Simply because people “fighting” against racism are sometimes the worst of all racists without knowing it.

That would have been nice, especially since it’s kind of tiring to build all the useful shops yourself (although there isn’t much to buy anyway). Are there even any settlements with vendors and all the stuff, besides Diamond City and Good Neighboor? Plus the few settlement-specific ones.

It helps my writting, but does nothing in this discussion :P


That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying! I just pointed this out in my initial post to make clear that MARINES = NAVAL Infantry are used to WATER

I’m not even insisting on the term, but just because I called them soldiers people around here are freaking out - which is as funny as it’s sad, since it seems like they care more about what they are called then how their well-being is.

Navel Infantry is even listed as synonym for marines (in general, not US-specific) on wikipedia

I know they learn to swim suing in their gear, but It seems kind of obstructive to hold on to all your gear when you’re in water after a crash and in a situation in which most of it won’t go to use

Pretty much this. It definitely doesn’t have anything to do with balls or the penis, because I’m sure the same goes for women.

They are marines - as the name implies navel soldiers (screw anyone insisting on the term marine), so I’m sure they know how to behave in such a situation. Propably get rid of any equipment on your body and look for anything to cling to, maybe even an emergency life raft. However, this requires surving the crash :/

When you read about studies like this remember: around 30-50% of all studies are wrong, at least that’s what a study found out. So unless that study is wrong, too, it’s safe to assume that especially all these “X causes cancer!” or “X is bad for babies”-statements shouldn’t be taken at face value.

So someone is kicking someone out who is interfering the first guy’s rally with his shouting? I see neither a problem with that, nor a reason to write about it.


Good for you, that your government is able to chose your refugees and make sure they’ll respect your rules and values. Meanwhile in europe, governments are to incompetent to close their borders and check every refugee before letting them inside the EU, thus letting many in who neither respect our values nor even have