
I didn’t say that’s a reason not to research it, but that’s a reason why there isn’t any thing good, now. There are projects like that vasectogel thing which weren’t possible 20 years ago, but are promising today.

Joke aside, I think that’s the main reason why this won’t be succesfull. Mechanical parts rarely go with biological ones without causing any problems in the long term, in this case because the valve can’t clean itself from anything in it.

Or maybe, just maybe, because permanent but reversible contraception in men is technically more complicated than in women.

There are also a fatman and a few other heavy weapons inside the castle which you could have used. Although I didn’t notice them until later myself... The game really could have placed them more visible or give a hint, like in Fallout 3 with the first battle against a behemoth.

quicksave during a fight, don’t notice a grenade flying toward you and try 20 times to load and escape fast enough to not die after loading :P

No, you’re wrong and so are many other commenters here who once heard the word “abrahamic religions” or “religions of the book” without reading into what it means.

Well, when I say that women are “de facto” (that is: how reallity is) slaves and you point out that “de jure” (that is: what these monsters say) they can own slaves: it gives the impression that you’re ignorantly believing their propaganda.

So you believe what religious terrorists claim, to be what they truly do...? Or why do you even try to defend this?

Of course there’s no mention of raping men, because homosexuality isn’t allowed, and women can’t have slaves because all of them are de facto slaves themselves...

Errr, no? The Saudi Royal Family and all the rich families over there ARE the Wahabists? They are financing terrorists all over the world and trying to overthrow all the secular governments around them. They ALREADY are like a Taliban-led country.

Also: no word about what kind of representatives they can elect? It’s only a municipal election for something not even worth the name “local government”. And it’s not only that these representatives don’t get to decide anything important, half of them are appointed by the royals.

Yeah, I wanted to post an article about this, too. A government or a few persons doing good things says nothing about the rest of a population (this applies to all countries).

And I find the graphic-style of the game disturbing. Everything looks like plastic-toys oO. Is that what they intended to do or is it just my imagination?

While do not agree and some of your views on religion i have to say: it’s funny how pro-islam all the users here are. Of course this politician is an idiot, but he is still right in the fact that religious believs are not allowed to to contradict the constitution. And everyone knowing a few things about religion

Maybe Nintendo should implement a way to let people mark their own levels as “insane” or “just for fun”, so they only appear if you search for them. Having such levels in the 100 Mario-Mode is annoying (both the too hard and the do-nothing levels)

Yes, I feel like currently all the levels are either very easy or just plain fun levels in which you don’t do anything at all, or they are so “hard” (crazy is a better word) that they stop being any fun.

This “illusion of choice” is definitely not something new. As example: It’s the same in the walking dead games (or all Telltale games, I guess).

It’s really strange. Some people argue that it’s because most people never saw a Jedi in their life, but that’s an even more stupid explanation. Even in the SW Universe there has to be something like the internet or TV. So everyone should have heard and learned about them in the news. Especially since they played an

So they are really serious about this kind of minecraft-game? I didn’t follow all the news about this, but I was sure all of this was just a joke...

Actually think this would be a very cool element for competitive games, because it requires you to adapt you strategies very fast.