
By this logic, yes of course they are at fault. I thought this “logic” was the behind whole problem of sexual assault at colleges and the like.

“In his latest video specifically focused on League ranked play, for instance, you can see him messing with other players in the team chat—teasing them for dying, saying “fuck you” to a teammate, and so forth.”
Yes, noone wants people like this in their team. It’s just annoying when people start insulting their

But both of you forget that he isn’t just making a copy of the game (assumed he did this, even though I’m sure that’s not the case). In rhis case an original Nintendo game was hacked and modified by someone, thus creating a product that itself hurts Nintendo’s copyright. And copying an illegal product is of course

Well, I often say “do whatever you want, as long as you don’t hurt anyone”. I guess I’ll need to add “and as long as you stay 50metres away from me and don’t stand in the direction the wind is coming from” in case I meet anyone doing this no-shower thing. Unless the smell counts as hurting.

I wanted to post something like this, too. I really, really hate that people compare the refugee camps to fucking concentration camps and Hungary to Nazi Germany. How stupid are these people? I mean, how hard is it to understand: refugees have to register and wait until they get reallocated to all the different

But getting to the trash in a LOCKED dumpster requires breaking a lock, which is damaging of (private?) property, isn’t it? Also, aren’t the dumpsters on private property, thus going to them is trespassing? I’m pretty sure that even when diving into the trash isn’t illegal itself, there are other crimes implied by it.

Actually I really hate people giving such answers. If I personally asked a question I find interesting, but that seems utterly stupid to an expert, I’d feel very insulted by such an answer (and propably would make that known).

That’s what I don’t like about the many hacks of Mario games. All of them are either insanely difficult or just “fun” levels in which you don’t have to do anything, neither of them really being any fun (at least for me).

It’s not cheating, it’s a lesson about democracy: it makes things slow and boring :P

Don’t forget that it’s inside a cross. To be more precise: this thing looks EXACTLY like the iron cross in the nazi-times. Except the rim and the swastika are golden instead of silver.

That they have the same policy all over the world is only natural, but that doesn’t change that some of these policies are against actualy law. And thus they are not only breaking government’s law, but also “god’s” law.

I found this site

Actually, it’s especially stupid for them because usually they insist heavily on the phrase “give caesar what belongs to caesar” as argument to strictly follow the law of the country they live in. And as far as I know you DO have to report such serious crimes like sexual assault on minors.

I wonder about who did those, too. A Japanese person would know about these days and not be so insensitive. But on the other hand the bad translation of “nandemonai hi” as “unbirthday” (which is also quite insulting in the context) would be typical for bad English translations.

Yes, I’m pretty sure this kind of punishment is illegal. Or would be, in any civilized state. I wonder if you can sue the judge, or the state he represents, for this kind of stupidity, though.

They DO know that the typical troll only writes insulting one-liners, don’t they? There is not much to analyse about that.

Seriously: I don’t see any reason to be offended by this accident. To be honest: As someone whose native language isn’t english (But I think I’ve got a decent vocabulary), I didn’t even know that “honky” is an insult until I looked the word up. People can’t expect everyone to know perfect english, especially when it’s

Aww, someone trying to give facts about how much such studies can be trusted. I’m afraid you’re at the wrong place to do such a thing. If some study done with maybe a few hundred people claims something, it definetely has to be absolutely true!

Yes, because there has to be a line drawn somewhere. I mean: it should be obvious that you can’t abort after more than, say 8 months . But I’m not enough of a doctor or biologist to tell if 20 weeks is a good number or not. Although it shouldn’t be neccessary to say, but I’m pro-choice, just saying that abortion

Actually: what are the boys exactly being charged for? I mean like from a lawyer’s point of view (I’m just curious). Is it distribution of child pornography if the distributors are under-age, too? And is it distribution of child pornography if it’s the own pictures one distributes? Also I’m curious why the one 18