
They want the pro-choice side to be taken serious? Because that is NOT how to get people to take you serious -.-. And again some people sabotage their own goals. It’s like they don’t even want to be successfull. Fighting stupid people with stupid methods does not work, just to let everyone know.

In many primitive cultures women that were on their period had to leave the group for a while, though they usually had places designed for this purpose. Remains of such behaviour can still be found in some cultures and religions.

Absolutely! While these names aren’t as bad as the names some celebrities give their children, I still have to wonder: do Americans hate their kids and such names are there to remind them of that fact for the rest of their lifes?

That’s correct, you find explosives in most countries in which a war was fought. But while middle-european countries usually don’t have many problems to diffuse them, it’s not that easy for poor countries. That’s for two reasons: 1. the mines are all over the countries and no one has an idea where they could be (which

Good question, but I don’t know the details of how they vote. Maybe everyone was able to make a suggestion (thus only 59 out of 853 being a majority) and the name Charlotte appeared only a few days / weeks ago. Or maybe the royals should consider renaming their princess... :P

Thanks for making this clear. In this case I don’t understand why it is legal. Even if you could check whether there is someone actually in the room, there is still the chance of someone placing some kind of camera somewhere hidden on the other side of the mirror. Of couse that’s just a worse case scenario, but I

I don’t really understand where exactly that mirror is. Is it over the basin? Because I doubt there’s anything happening at a basin worth peeping. Or it it visible from the toilet itself (and thus the toilet and anyone using it from the other side of the mirror)? Although both would be creepy, I could understand why

People around here love to hate on every kind of religion, it’s kind of a hippster-thing, I guess.
But hey: why try some serious coverage of something if you can write an article that let’s you look like a teenager trying to impress his/her cool friends, instead.

“Atlus actually consulted with the ESRB prior to submitting,” a company rep said. “They helped identify which images would be an issue, and we took their feedback to the developer to change the images appropriately.”
I guess that means they’ve been altered, not removed or replaced, but I don’t know for sure.

Do you have a comparision between the original and the censored versions? It’s actually quite pointless (of the article) to say that censorship happens without actually telling in what extent.

This is the same problem as with many articles on this site: the authors try to sound clever and cool, but sentences reffered here make them look like teenagers. If someone writes an article containing remarks that read like something an adolescent teenager would write on his/her blog, you don’t have to wonder that it

Seems like the CIA needs to update their intelligence, because there are really a lot of strange assignments. Not only does the map only show one language as the second most spoken languageS (which often actually isn’t really the second most spoken language), it ignores most of the other languages that are widely

Is there any source where you can listen to the original recording? You lose a lot of information when you read a transcript instead of listening to the original. Especially when all it states is “laughing” without describing the kind of laugh.

Seperating religion and state is definitely the best thing to do. Otherwise you’d have to let everyone get a turn for the blessing . Does anyone actually know which religions already did that thing and how the people reacted to it?

Im deutschen wirds meistens (umgangsprachlich) “Spirale” genannt. Ist eine Art Implantat, dass in den Uterus eingesetzt wird und da entweder über Hormone wirkt oder als Kupferspirale ohne Hormone.

You have to remember that “koon” when written as コーン is spoken like “corn” (the double “o” not being spoken like a u). It’s just that it’s hard to transscript “r”s into japanese and that the re-transcriptions of such words will seem very strange when an native english speaker reads it.

Just asking, because of that wordplay: does anyone know if that newspaper (and propably most of the japanese christians) belongs to one of the “big” christian groups of the world (catholicism and so on, I don’t know the english names) or is it something own with puritan values?

So you have to make such giant steps so these things work? That would feel very unnatural. Plus it could of course only work for small objects. So although it seems like a funny gadget, it also seems pretty useless for VR, at least to me...

What I noticed (I’m a man) is that some men, outside of buisness, seem to want to hug every woman they meet. I remember a friend once bringing her boyfriend to a group of friends of mine and while he shook the hand of the men when meeting all of us for the first time he huged the women. Also when leaving he gave the

It’s part of jewish religion: as far as I remember what I’ve heard, a woman having her menstruation is called “nidda” and said to be not clean until she did some rituals. Depending on how serious you take the rules everything a woman being “nidda” touches becomes unclean, too. Also men aren’t allowed to have sex with