
You know Europe pretty well, do you? Germans and people with german ancestors are still being treated quite badly in a few east-european countries that have some bad history regarding Germany.

Well, I can understand why some companies don’t want their games shown to everyone without getting something back. There are games that people propably won’t buy themselves when they can watch a Video about it instead, so the company would make less money as a result of these videos. So why should it be ok to “take”

Actually I'd also like to know more about the statistic itself. Like: Show the data of suspended people for each school. Are some schools worse than others when treating these issues? Do some school which have a higher count of black students also suspend more students in general?

I don't understand it, too (EDIT: "it" meaning people being disturbed by the game). It's not even as weird as the game "Lucius" where you play as the son of Satan... And at least this one looks like the fun kind of weird, instead of the strange kind of weird Lucius was.

Well, isn't it quite logical that some cells from inside the uterus will attach to the tampon? Because, isn't that part of the job evolution gave to the period? So as a man who isn't a doctor I honsetly have to wonder: why didn't anybody figure that one out earlier? I mean, it isn't quantum-physics: if something you

I didn't even know this can be a girl's name. I don't live in the USA, so I don't know if it's that uncommon. I have to wonder, though: do all celebrities hate their kids? They all seem to give their best to think of the most unfitting name for a child as possible.

Wow, this article has everything a good article needs: unfriendly New Yorkers, an overdramatic guy not respecting the decisions of other people, and of course a bit racism.

Because everything is racist for someone.

Because everything is racist for someone.

Well, you are right. But if you only know "there will be something called something someday" you propably consider preordering until there are more information.

Well, I did some calculations (start using the metric system already!), and from my opinion (and from a scientific point of view) having a BMI that low is not natural. The BMI system gets a bit unrealistic for small people but it should be correct for typical model heights.

I think Lego doesn't even have any interest in making a product for a small market (or is Lego as famous in the USA as it is in Europe?) in which only an even smaller percentage would buy it. Because seriously: who would want to play with a Supreme Court? Especially only half of one.

Wasn't there an article how Ash is able to lift even the heaviest Pokemon? I thought we already agreed that he no human, he is a living god.

Yeah, I absolutely agree with these 8 points (at least when summarized like the first comment did), but somehow this woman manages to give arguments so dumb you have to wonder if she even tries to get these points taken seriously. Maybe she should let more charismatic people do the talking. Or making the arguments.

Well, only a few percent said it's creepy. Saying "it isn't cool" doesn't say that they dislike it. They just say it isn't an ability that makes you any cooler than people who don't have it.

Also: because we can. That's the reason for most things humanity does, why should it be any different with digesting milk?

So... anyone knows who the hacker(s) belong to? I doubt anyone makes all that effort just for fun.

I only watched parts of the meele video, and I'm not going to call myself a "pro" at the game: but these guys seem to be pretty bad... They use these pro-techniques, but they don't seem to completely understand the pretty basics of the game. They are even killing themselfes quite often, actually oO And that's the

How about "pretending being a feminist while actually being pretty patronizing against everything and everyone"?

It isn't, but that's not what the study is about. It's the same thing with all studies: They can show you correlation, but not cause of different let's call it "phenomena".