Well, the saddest stories are usually the ones that noone will ever know about.
Well, the saddest stories are usually the ones that noone will ever know about.
Well, the game definietely needs the stage editor, especially if the Wii U version has similar or the same stages as the 3DS version. Most of the 3DS version's stages are just terrible. In all of them are things happening, there is only a handfull of stages with only platforms without anything exploding or trying to…
A completely serious question: what is the fascination about highschool football and football players in the USA that they are seemingly allowed to do whatever they want without the fear of any consequences?
Especially since most of them propably won't ever have anything to do with football in their future (at lastest…
So does this mean anything? Has the game actually any kind of story this sentence could refer to...? Sadly, I'm not even actively trying to be a cynic...
So he wants to play a violence based game without violence? You know, sometimes the only winning move is not to play...
So from your enthusiasm I read that you'll be the one paying for that organization? I'm really sorry for people being treated like that, but changes cost money. And sadly we live in a world in which people have no interest in spending money on things that don't gives them money back. And the USA, the place where most…
Well, what do you define as "crazy"? There are a lot of people saying believing in god is crazy. But one's crazyness is another persons hope in the world, so it's hard to judge others for what they believe in.
I really like the concept created in Mass Effect, dividing such systems in virtual intelligence (what all of the so called AI systems today would be, only acting acording to their code) and artificial intelligence (a system that can learn, think and act on it's own and thus lives).
I really like the concept created in Mass Effect, dividing such systems in virtual intelligence (what all of the so called AI systems today would be, only acting acording to their code) and artificial intelligence (a system that can learn, think and act on it's own and thus lives).
I really hope this article is just irony. How about not having a backup husband (or backup wife, if you're a man) at all? I'm convinced that it's always good to have a plan B in nearly all situations of life, but this is definitely not one of them.
If I knew my partner had a backup already at leI'd leave immediately.…
Excuse me? Am I the only one (propably not, of course), who doesn't think that these questions are "stupid"? People want to know everything about living in an enviroment most of them will never experience themselves, that includes such trivial things like how she does her hair in space. Plus it's not like ALL the…
Yeah, why should they be anyone's nightmare? What is the author, a twelve year old anime girl?
Yeah, I think Notch just had enough of everyone seeing him as "the guy that made mincraft". He didn't do anything regarding Minecraft for a few years now but still people blame him for everything about minecraft.
With selling to microsoft he loses responsibility and can do whatever he wants without people having these…
Man, people don't even make up good excuses anymore. How about pretending they just drew four random letters on their shirts and came together in this order by coincidence, and met a guy with a question mark and one guy with a point on their shirts and just made random pictures. It's depressing how uncreative people…
I have to wonder: why aren't there any men protesting? Are all men on this university just assholes or aren't they allowed to teach these creatures calling themselfes "men" what it really means to be one. Calling for consquences when a crime happens shouldn't be a gender specific thing. Or am I just too stupid to find…
The Sims has always been a beautiful series of video games. Save for the occasional foray into high fantasy, however, it's mostly drawn from modern suburbia for its artistic palette. It doesn't have to be that way, though.
Are you sure ME1 is even beatable without shooting (except in cutscenes)? I always thought abilities weren't able to destroy objects because they only lock on to enemies.
I'm pretty sure there were already multiple people doing the same thing in europe multiple years ago. You may google "Niko Alm". So I'm sorry, but she is only a 2. grade hero. Like Aquaman. ;)
Well, unless both of you sign a contract that you're ok with having sex, even a verbal consent wouldn't count as much in front of a judge. I mean, who's going to proof that both partners said yes? It'd be statement against statement. Or with the (I forgot where I read that) part that consent can be withdrawn at any…
Of course there are. I actually even think there are more bad people in this world than good. I'm not even going to pretend I'd be a good person, but that's no reason not to be sad about our world being that way, is it?