
But what will they do when they discover drugs in their drink, except of immediately leaving the room? When people don't believe there is such a rape culture when actual rapes happen, why should they believe rape culture exists just because some women say their nail polish changed it's colour.

You DO know that wasps and even hornets aren't more aggressive than bees, don't you? All of these attack only if you annoy them. And actually hornets are the least propable to attack you, since they don't even want your food (they prefer other insects). I'm not going to say I'd like any of these in my apartment

There's an open spot! What a waste! At least 20 people more could fit into that picture.

It depends. If you compare your typical woman's razor to a man's razor by gilette having a million and one blades in a cartdrige, I'd say the men's version is more expensive (but only by a very small amount). But if you compare it to a DE razor the men get the better deal (they are much, MUCH cheaper than "normal"

I never shout to my friends "hey, my heterosexual buddy!", or feel obliged to shout out "hey, I'm heterosexual! Everyone, listen!". So why should I emphazise the sexuality of someone, just because it isn't the same as mine? Never understood why people still do it.
But well, maybe it's just because I personally don't

Japanese baseball is stricter than American baseball. In high school, all the players must shave their heads, so they keep cool in the summer, but also so they belong to a team—a cohesive unit. In professional baseball, you really don't see Japanese players blowing bubble gum or spitting everywhere like Major League

I second that! With Super Star Saga as the close second winner.

Well, it really doesn't add much to a game about construction workers whether you include both male and female characters. But if you don't include the later there will definitely be people complaining.

Well, money can make you a friend of most politicians, so...

The consequences of billboard drunks also haven't been thought out. Here's the rub: Japanese privacy law. In the West, there is rather liberal Fair Use for taking photos of people in public places. Japan is not the West. This viral video was apparently made by Ogilvy & Mather's Tokyo branch. It should know better.

Just to let everyone know why the Swastika or Hakenkreuz is even banned:

The Stick of Truth is out on March 4 for Xbox 360, PC, and PS3. I've finished the game and we'll have a review up Tuesday morning. (Don't worry, Americans: the U.S. version is uncensored.)

The most stupid game to preorder was EA's Comand&Conquer Generals 2. Especially since it first went to become a free2play game and now was cancelled completely :P

Maybe the problem isn't the fact that there are "dirty" picutres.
