
You can hide games in your steam-library, this way it will neither be shown when you play it, nor when people look at what games you have.

Does anyone know how the producer / publisher has to handle this? Do they have to recall all copies with that error? I can imagine the resulting costs breaking the neck of a smaller publisher...

“Can you imagine a God of War against YHVH, Jesus and his angels?” Isn’t this pretty much what Darksiders is?

Does smite actually have any characters of “important” deities (that means: of religions with a siginicant amount of members)? Seriously asking, because I’m not playing it. I just thought it had only ancient / northern gods.

Except that one religion who’s believers turn very violent if you parody their religion...

I’m not lamenting about anything (because I didn’t see the movie yet - is that so hard to understand? Why do you folks always feel insulted by everything before even anything happened), I’m simply asking a quesiton: would YOU be honest enough to accept that a “feministic movie” is bad (no matter whether that’s the

And what of the movie if just bad? Will everyone blame sexism for it or will people accept that it’s bad?
I didn’t see the movie yet (so I can’t really judge), but as it seems now people are saying it’s pretty bad. The best comment about the movie I read so far called it mediocre.

Do you know whether the man actually knew the kid was black? I doubt it. Because at night and from distance all colors look the same...

Sending your kids to the school they’ll the best education at? Only idiots and people without kids (or who don’t care about their kids) would call you a bad person because of that. Sadly, there are a lot of these people around here...

I can’t get to really like the new characters, too. I see how likely they are to Banjo and Kazooie, but somehow I still don’t like them. Maybe it’s their character design, maybe it’s because they’re not very original.

Man, I didn’t see that much racism in the comments on Gawker for a long time.
Just kidding, it’s not even above the average racism this week.

Oh, so the propaganda outlet for a racist and sexist ideology is racist and sexist? What a surprise that is.

Propably just because of the coverage the game got due to the controversy. What’s the saying? There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

I wondered about that, too. The one in the (first) video definitely doesn’t have full 360 degree view, but maybe there’s a second one on the other side.

Also it can’t destroy anything that only relies on it’s kinetic energy and which won’t explode when shot at. And I doubt it is even able to intercept fast moving projectiles like from enemy tanks (which move more than ten times as fast as a RPG).

Well, in some regards he’s exactly like Trump. Every time elections aren’t in his favour he cries about the system being rigged and only supporting the “establishment”. Plus his impossible politics he’s always blabbering about without giving the slightest hint how to do it.

Well, on one hand I understand that at some point things go too far. Especially games that glorify rape.

Except nowhere in the video he is being compared to the Illusive Man.

You stop thinking this way when small kids make you a sacrifice to the slenderman... :P

Is this actually a thing? I don’t remember any game that started the actual gameplay without giving me the possibility to go to the options menu before.