Lilly (Hungry hungry hipster!)

It’s like something in their brains just shuts down and refuses to even process the concept. I’ve seen that before. It’s not like simply referring to someone as they ask to be referred to is difficult, but they won’t even let their minds approach it, much less break it down into concepts.

Everyone knows a homosexual, most people simply don’t know any trans individuals at all.

Not all elderly people are sticks in the mud who are just set in their old-school, bigoted ways.

Yes, we know you’d rather have your magical unicorn pope, but this is the guy we have, and he’s orders of magnitude better than we could have expected.

It’s a less-stinky pile of shit.

Sometimes it takes a second you know? As long as people are open and willing to evolve, I don’t think we should hold it against them. I mean the first time I heard about abortion I thought it was terrible.

On the other hand, I’m friends with people in that age group as well and some of them are trans themselves and the rest have been cool with respecting the preferred terminology, even as it has changed, all along for as long as I’ve known them which is upwards of 10 years. I pretty much don’t know anyone who goes

Wow, if only everyone got on board with social change IMMEDIATELY and human beings were actually capable of the kind of absolutism you demand. Not sure what world you live in, but clearly not the real world. We’re making progress on this issue and it’s coming pretty quickly as far as I can tell.

It’s not like there isn’t an entire subset of feminists specifically dedicated to hating trans people. They consider themselves very feminist and consider people who don’t think the way they do on the subject to be not very feminist.

Yeah, my grandparents are in their 80s and have no problem loving and accepting my gender-fluid step-sibling.

Yeah, I was shocked at my mom’s response to Caitlyn Jenner coming out. Here’s this very feminist gay woman who somehow lacked even basic understanding of trans* people and the issues they face. She wasn’t mean or anything but she flat out told me that she “didn’t understand why anyone would be transgender” which is so

This legitimately made me cry!

You know what really helped my dad? When I started bringing one of my trans friends around, my dad got to know her really well. And he asked if it was okay to ask some questions about what exactly it meant to be transgender, and they had an open dialogue about her hardships and his questions, with nothing but respect

My Busia is 82 years old. She not only accepted my aunt as gay when she came out in the 80s, she accepted me as gay when I came out and loves Cindymoo as much as one of her own grandchildren. She also is a huge supporter of trans people and trans rights, and has had nothing but the nicest things to say about the trans

I used to teach elementary art in a really low-income school district near Denver. One student, Franklin, was a third-grader who was homeless and living in a car with his mother at the time. The district and social services were aware and helping as much as possible, but mom was hard to work with due to some ongoing

You know what he did say though?

Well the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college my boyfriend transferred to a different school and didn't tell me until a week before move in day...

My first day of my senior year of college, some girl stopped me in the bookstore and asked if she could take a picture of me for some college fashion blog

you’re god damn right you can take a picture of me for your fashion blog


She couldn’t be VP because according to the 12th (?) Amendment, I think, no one who is ineligible to be president can be vice-president. So, no West/Swift ticket in 2020.