Two spaces after a period is from the typewriter era. It’s fine if you're using a typewriter, but it looks weird on a computer.
Two spaces after a period is from the typewriter era. It’s fine if you're using a typewriter, but it looks weird on a computer.
Hey, don’t blame this one on millennials!
My mom doesn't use spaces after punctuation. It drives me crazy.
I think she gave it up because she was caught on camera choking it.
I thought Zoomers were Boomers who are active and energetic.
Thanks for the news about the Rio Tinto explosion. That’s awful. I visited the Pilbara a couple of years ago on a road trip up the West Coast.
They were told BEFORE they adopted him that he may have extreme special needs. They filmed his meltdowns and put them on YouTube. They duct taped his hands to keep him from sucking his thumbs. They can go to hell.
Thank you for pointing this out. These people are clearly assholes because of the YouTube exploitation, but I wouldn’t necessarily criticize someone else who felt they had no other choice but to give up a child with severe disabilities or special needs.
I want planning on watching the whole video, but 45 minutes later, here we are...
Yes, but they went looking for a child with special needs. This was no surprise. They should have been prepared.
The thing about these people is they knew he had issues. They went looking for a child with disabilities, so it shouldn't have been a surprise. It wasn't like a previously healthy child developing autism.
Do it!
I’m this case, I think it was understandable. People were criticizing her for getting a covid test, so she explained that the reason she was getting the test was because of upcoming surgery to remove her implants.
I was so confused by that part. It's crazy , even for trump.
Yes, I did read your post. My guess is he pulled out his phone in part because when it’s the word of a black man against that of a white woman, who are the police going to believe? Also, good for him for defending the wildlife against unleashed dogs rather than walking by in an attempt to not "cause problems."
Seriously? You think this is about the leash? Her actions could have gotten the guy killed.
She’s been fired!
This is a protected area and the leash requirement is to protect the birds.
The leash laws are there to protect the wildlife. Good for him for speaking out.