Marion Coatesworth-Hay's ghost

I’m a nurse, a male one at that. One of the things I regularly do for male intubated Covid patients is clean their genitals from the catheter, I put up their urethra. Another thing, my previously healthy/young male patients who survive, and those with long haul Covid are frequently complaining about: erectile

My oldest nephew was in band when he was in high school. Sometimes, he’ll start a story with, “This one time...” and I always interject with, “At band camp?” He doesn’t find it as funny as I do.

... which is why I’m going to start using “Nicky Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend’s Balls” in place of “somebody” and “someone”, from here on out.

Now apparently she’s putting on weird accents and demanding that the UK prime minister personally apologise to her?

Minaj, who is unvaccinated, revealed that she had caught covid-19

It’ll be once I feel I’ve done enough research. I’m working on that now.

I would NOT want a unvaccinated fuck near my newborn.

From that Twitter feed:

Perhaps Gaetz’s quaint wedding ceremony was one of his last hurrahs. It must be a great reassurance that, as his now wife, Luckey can’t testify against him.”

I was sleeping one night around age 14, and when I rolled over I felt a sudden intense pain in my left knee, like I’d been jabbed with a hot needle. Over a few hours a spot like evil boil began to swell up just above the knee cap, and when it was lanced it contained the pellet from a BB gun. At best guess, at some


Just tell all the vaccine refusers that if they don’t get theirs, the doses are going to go to people in foreign countries.  I guaran-fucking-tee you that it’ll send all those red state half-idiots scrambling for the nearest CVS/Walgreens/Piggly Wiggly/wherever to get double-doses.  

I was swimming in Puerto Rico and paddled my hand into a sea urchin. I had spines sticking out of the whole left side of my hand. Sea urchin spines and barbed and very brittle, so they break if you try to fish them out with tweezers, further splintering them into pieces. My pinky was swollen and achey for months, to

ahh I know someone who tripped at a beach and hit her head on a rock and a few weeks later she had a barnacle growing on her forehead. 

I was an odd child so this is excellent... in preschool, I was hyperverbal and unrelatedly subject to chronic ear infections (such that I was losing my hearing). I apparently informed my mother one afternoon that I had put three corns (kernels) in my nose and one in my ear and that two had come out. My mom thought I

A Flintstones vitamin in my nostril when I was four or five. I freaked out when I realized I'd have to wake up one of my parents at 0530 on a Saturday morning to get help, so I plugged my left nostril and blew my nose like my very life depended on it. Slowly, Barney emerged enough from my nostril and I was able to

Oh she’s a rightwinger 100% and none of this should be surprising. Poster girl for Jesus is Love and #boymom bossbabe. 

As much as I’d love a booster, the World Health Organization has specifically asked first world countries to forgo boosters until the rest of the world has access to first doses.

There’s a vast gap between “I am responsible for your medical bills” and paying for someone to travel the U.S. for 6 months while cutting themselves off from their family and support network. It sounds like the trauma may be causing him to make some questionable personal decisions which, while sad, isn’t anyone else’s