Marion Coatesworth-Hay's ghost

If I remember correctly from my trip there, they call them chips. And for hot chips, a lot of places charge extra for ketchup! 

Not at all. 

I went on a first date with a guy who, knowing what I do for a living, spent half the time criticizing and insulting people in my line of work, basically saying we’re lazy, entitled, have too much vacation time, take too many breaks, fake illness to go on extended sick leave, don't do real work, etc. I declined a

I’m guessing Australia. Fries are hot chips and regular chips are...chips.

Yeah, what even is the point of this if there's no gun holster? It doesn't respect the second amendment! 

Yeah, my dad is an immigrant who complains about immigrants. 


Does she think that Mother Teresa is still alive??? 

I've never seen the show, but how is it she was a real housewife in the first season if she was single? 

I’m guessing Asian geography is not the author’s strong suit. Same continent? It must be close! 

Yeah, but then they'd be accused of being irresponsible with public money. They can't win. 

Or something like this...

I wonder why people in America even have kids, given the high cost of health care and the lack of paid parental leave. 

Interesting. Seems like information that would be useful to mention in the article. 

Wow, that’s a lot of money for one person to spend on their education. 

Trump’s current ambassador to the UK is Woody Johnson.”

Happy birthday! May your wish come true. 

Was that the Screamapillar? That's what I call my cat when she demands food at 5 a.m.

I keep seeing the name Bella Thorne here and I still have no clue who she is or what she does. 

The drink prices seem high to me, but the food prices are reasonable.