Marion Coatesworth-Hay's ghost

They’re both correct - you shouldn't have been marked down. 

I bet a lot of Canadian snowbirds would be interested. 

Yeah, this was an extremely uninformative post. 

I second Toronto, but would suggest September since it might start to get cool and rainy in October. 

I had my own kitty adventure last week, fostering three little beauties who some monster dumped by the side of the road. They’ve been adopted together!

I just finished putting together my Lego Sydney set! Had to keep shooing kitty away he was getting into the pile of pieces. 

What do the Dutch have to do with this? 

Something that wouldn’t be allowed to happen in Canada. I wonder if America would ever be open to non-partisan boards determining district borders based on pre-determined criteria.

And no headline. 


I have a patio set with two of those. It's sitting in the shed, never to be heard from again. 

Damn barstools. The renovated food court at the mall is full of them. 

Yep. Indian sadhus as well. No one culture owns dreadlocks.

That makes me feel better. Stealing an egg is not okay. 

He was probably going to drug him 

The Diva Cup might be okay at home, but emptying it and rinsing it in a public/work bathroom? Nope.

I’m a staunch environmentalist, but that is one line I will not cross. 

This is terrible. Alleged vandalism? Pretty sure it's vandalism. 

When I saw the headline, I thought they were making a Pete Schweddy-type joke. 

They love animals only because they want to shoot them and mount their carcasses in the wall.