Geez, Baba, he passed the test where you tell the camel apart from the lion-- what else do you want??
Geez, Baba, he passed the test where you tell the camel apart from the lion-- what else do you want??
She suffers from affluenza which cannot be cured, but which excuses all crimes.
Imagine being a grown ass woman and not being embarrassed to still have an allowance.
I don’t enjoy when people stare at me while I’m working, I try and extend that same respect to others (especially when they have sharp objects and are having to stab people in the arm all day).
OMG it’s pleaded. You guys never get that one right.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if people had reported his comments to Facebook and they said it didn’t violate their standards. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve reported racist and extreme misogynist stuff and Facebook’s been like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
I have family in GA that I know longer consider family. They voted for Trump, go to his rallies, buy everything he says hook, line, and sinker. But that’s not all, they regurgitate everything on Facebook to the point that I’ve had to adjust my settings so that I see them less. I didn’t confront them about any of this…
Ugh! Of course Penn Badgley is a Bahai, we never get cool celebrities!
Megyn Kelly makes $69 million per year
I work with a bunch of 18 and 19 year olds. They talk about Trump and his behavior like it’s an episode of The Bachelor. Like...I know everyone joked that we’d have a celebrity president and it’d turn into reality tv...but fuck....I did not anticipate kids normalizing this behavior so fast.
You know the Trumpers are going to say he was paid to do this, right?
This does make me curious though.
Tiffany wishes she was important enough to be regretted.
going to find Middle Eastern, you’re going to find everything
I wonder how much worse his Twitter diarrhea is going to get, the next two weeks. I’m probably hoping in vain that he will self-implode, right?
So Ur not only guay but also truans? Okay with me!
I hope trump dies in a fire. In trump tower.
Which part of that map says that air in the US is cleaner than the air in Canada or New Zealand?