Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Speaking of Saudi Arabia, pro-Saudi and state media are currently waging a bonkers propaganda campaign against Canada.

Not a native speaker Kristen, but I am a bit confused, the title says “underage girls” to describe the situation accurately I think , however in the first paragraph you use “underage women”! which is misleading, more so in the context.

Seriously, they’re an amazing source of protein that could feed a lot of people in areas with insecure sources of water. I have a bag of cricket flour and it can easily be added as a protein booster into loads of different foods.

So according to that picture Obama WAS white...

BEST REPLY ON TWITTER: “I had a wife who lost her marbles for Trump too”.... xD

These aren’t very well known slurs & they’re pretty specific for an ethnicity I don’t think most people would immediately know about Conway too. I have a hard time believing she knew he was part Filipino & also Trump absolutely comes across like a guy who would ask what Conway’s husband’s ethnicity is to know that.

Not being up on all the cool new racial slurs seventy year olds are using, I was wondering if Trump was calling him a baby.

I live in the Bay Area and recently had an unfortunate encounter with a Christian, white woman - my kid’s preschool teacher. A woman who smiled to my Latino face, and said things like god bless, and was nice and cordial. But then fast forward to my kid’s parent/teacher conference and THERE was the slight racial

diffuse this nuclear bomb of hate.

“My inspiration for designing the Letto dayBed came from nature. Curly leaves fell off the trees in the autumn, so I came up with the idea to work from a single plate and let this curl up along the edges in one smooth movement like those leaves.”

Please tell me how the President commanding someone to refrain from peacefully protesting is not a case of the government infringing on free speech.

We all know white people secretly wanna be black

My dog put this on his Amazon wish list.

Console your aging pup with a Coach dog collar.


Publicly. Not publically.

right?  She’s a year older than me and looks a decade.  And I have a drinking problem.

Also I refuse to accept “forecasted” as a word!

Thank you for noting that the past tense of to plead, in the legal context, is most commonly not pleaded. There is debate because of course. There is debate about everything now.

Maybe I’m overthinking this, but I feel like a lot of people are confusing high waisted underwear and granny panties. I’ve always thought of granny panties as sort of baggy, which is not the case with all high waisted underwear.