
He threw it from third to home?

the House cafeteria renamed French fries “Freedom fries,” with many U.S. burger joints following suit.

This is Deadspin. Only full, unbending acceptance of doctrine is permitted. Hating only 99% of Bush isn’t going to get you any sympathy here.

That was funny, throwing a fake name in there (Mark Everson) and thinking no one would catch it.

[T]he NBA champion Golden State Warriors beat teams in New Orleans, Memphis, and Houston. If you check out a map, you’ll see that those teams are all much closer to the East Coast than West.

The NBA announced Tuesday that, going forward, the top eight teams

Well, I believe the Darryl Strawberry part.

The only way to “eliminate the scalper problem” is to raise ticket prices, thus eliminating the added value scalpers offer.

This isn’t a first.

This guy isn’t beating anybody up.

[Serious] Maybe I’m stupid, but why wouldn’t you want civic rivals in the same division? For that same reason, I can’t understand why the NFL wouldn’t want the Giants and Jets to play twice a year. Or the Cowboys and Texans, etc. Somehow I can’t imagine the NBA keeping the Lakers and Clippers as far apart as possible.

Fantastic. +73 68 72 67

A big hand to the 7 righteous commenters (so far) who have already set fire to the straw man who hasn’t said “Why is this news?” yet, but will any minute now.

Jonathan Martin receives nasty comments from a teammate, and Deadspin takes it with grave seriousness. Geno Smith gets his goddamn jaw broken by a teammate, and it’s a joke. I will never understand this site.

Thank you for being the only commenter who knows how to use YouTube time codes.

The Living Incarnation Of Thirst

five straight seasons with 73 or more losses

Absolutely. John Cena’s a total pussy. You should do him a favor and kick his ass.

Every year we do these previews, and every year the Raiders have the most humorless, defensive, irrational fans of the bunch.

The real racists here are the commenters (and Deadspin graphic artists) who assume that Orem Owlz management must be white. You know, because members of no other races could possibly run a baseball team.