

Save a plane from crashing and the SNL host gig is yours. Capt. Sullenberger got famous (and universally adored) overnight.

Dude, you don't ever question received wisdom on Deadspin. Didn't they tell you that when you opened a Kinja account? (Especially when your detractors who can't comprehend your argument think that you're saying she sucks because she's a girl.)

How about genocide? You for or against?

Now I'm wishing Kinja had a block and/or mute feature.

If only Twitter had a block feature and a mute feature. Oh wait, it does.

Misleading title. Every last recommendation is a "how not to", not a "how to". Guys, just by having a Twitter account you're doing it wrong.

Go in peace, your self-professed credentials as a better human being than someone who reacts angrily to getting rear-ended by a dangerous criminal have saved you.

I don't know, but I guarantee the author's response will be condescending.

Yes. Soviet-era rewriting of history makes things better.

I liked this article better the first time, when the Washington Post ran it. Heck, even Marchman's pronoun note was cribbed.

The moment you defied Deadspin orthodoxy, you didn't have a chance. I hope this taught you a lesson about defying the writers here (and about the thickness of their skin.)

My girlfriend has 4 favorite teams. You're halfway there.

Your nephew is in my dungeon right now.

I liked "Live Wire" better when AC/DC did it and called it "Let There Be Rock".

Sandusky was a close acquaintance and coworker of Paterno's for decades. Who's now been shockingly accused of something horrific. Think about that for a second. Regardless of any rumors that you think might have been circulating at the time.

Okay, I saw a guy shoot and kill his wife last night. Me, MarionCampbell on Deadspin. Now go do what you think needs to be done, because this is now your problem, not mine. Hot potato.

If in that situation you would feel no obligation to report what you heard to the authorities you are a sick person.

How does the coworker who approached me not understand that private citizens aren't tasked with enforcing laws and pursuing criminal activity? Why is the coworker telling me, or his wife, or the paperboy, instead of contacting the police? Are you saying that it's now my job to contact the police? That the person who

You're clearly too angry to be amenable to having your mind changed, but Paterno didn't witness a thing.