

Correct, you'll get ARR for free.

Well, I'd say give it a chance in beta when actual content is implemented. Alpha is strictly for stress testing, and they implemented only a VERY limited amount of quests. The main storyline quests, missions, class quests, other random sidequests, F.A.T.E. events, and dungeons up to level 35 will be in beta.

Like the other guy said, the last phase of the beta will be an open beta where everyone has access. You can even transfer your character from that phase into the full version, if you decide to buy it.

I'm guessing you've never seen an MMO before.

Haha, I can see what you mean actually. They could be made more... presentable. Thankfully, the UI will be totally customizable, and add-ons will help to customize it even more.

Combat and especially animations are still being worked on, and they specifically mentioned that the 'animation blending' between animations has not yet been implemented, but should be in beta.

thankfully the game will allow user-created add-ons!

Why do we get any cons at all? People want them. If you don't want to attend, don't. Same reason I don't attend, oh I don't know, tattoo conventions?

Yeah, this discussion has taken place every other time an article about GaymerCon is written. I'm tired of it lol.

Sacramento, CA, for DHL (the shipping company). They ended their domestic shipping services and went international only shortly after we got laid off.

Yup, pretty much, I'd agree with everything you said. I only lasted around 5 months at a call center job I had years ago, because it was exactly like this. Strict monitoring for everything, and they could tell the exact minute you were logged onto the computer system, so if you were 1 minute late, you were

actually, I think it looks bad for TV. It DOES look like a fan-made project. Still looks good though. I think Jensen looks a bit off though.


Okay, having seen both versions now, I can say one thing - if you're seeing the movie in 3D, SEE IT IN 48FPS. Seeing the movie at 24fps in 3D makes the 3D look very blurry and dark. They did always say that the 48fps would make 3D look better and clearer, and that much is definitely true. If you're not seeing a 3D

Nah don't think so, it's probably the fourth or so :)

Yeah, I see what you're saying. In the end, I don't think there's a right or wrong in using it, it's all about preference really. Some may just find it annoying and distracting, while others may love it and get used to it right away. You can't please everyone. Though I did say I found much to fault with it, by the end

I enjoyed All Final Fantasies up until 13.

blood of lamb is quite correct. Saw the 48fps version on Monday, and it was very distracting. Sure, some scenes look gorgeous, mostly backdrops or panning landscape shots. However, indoor close-up shots of characters is VERY distracting, everything is just too 'smooth'. It's hard to explain, because when I say it like

Yeah, but they also talk about how Radagast wasn't always how he is now. He grew to be enamored with nature and animals and whatnot, which kinda made him be the odd one out. I think they brought this out in the movie a bit by a certain line that Saruman says concerning Radagast.