
I don't think anybody played The Walking Dead. You watch itself play out. :)

Did someone comment on the wrong article? -_-

I don't understand how sales numbers for exclusives would denote a better system. You see how many millions of people watch Twilight... does that mean it's any good?

What you said about BL2 makes sense, didn't even think about that. 2 people on a PC would be a bit too snug for me I think! Though there's also that Big Screen mode or whatever it's called on Steam to put it on your TV. That would be pretty neat I think.

I don't know how Kotaku does it, but I go to advanced screenings all the time! I saw The Hobbit 2 nights ago in my city. Create an account at to check out screenings in your area. There's a few other ways to get into screenings, just use google :)

No, he's not, in fact, there's a funny line by Saruman in the movie that relates to this. Radagast being a part of the white council is the reviewer's mistake.

You want it spoiled for you? Well, fine..

I saw the movie. Not all of the orcs/goblins/other enemies were CGI, you can definitely tell what's real and what's not. Generally, most of the up-close goblins that talk close to the camera you can tell are real actors. The real large enemies are obviously CG. The movie overall is definitely more CGI than the

Year has nothing to do with it.. I watched the movie in 48, and while I eventually got used to it (I guess), it was definitely distracting for a good long while, and DEFINITELY made the special effects stand out a lot more, as well as the characters (they often looked like cardboard cutouts placed on top of the

Those last two mods, how can the devs justify (especially the Dark Souls mod) those PC versions? If the fans can do a better job than the pros that get paid, kinda makes me think the devs got lazy.

I don't know if you're the only one, but I thought Halo 4's in-game environments were quite beautiful. Some more than others, but I was in awe more than once when stumbling upon some of the backdrops.

I don't get service inside my work building so I have the twitter site up all day :)

I knew when clicking on this article that I'd see a Mass Effect 3 track as one of the top comments, and deservedly so :)

I loved the Uncharted series for these very reasons.

Yay, gobbies from XI and XIV!! They don't get enough love.

Don't be silly, they're going to do an HD version of EACH game, and THEN later on they will pack them all into a collection to make even more money!

Thanks for pointing this out after 4 others did -_-

F**k me, apparently it's Elizabeth. lol

Haven't watched any of the game trailers, I'm assuming?

what about games like Pro Skater... I'm sure many skaters play that game.