
Well, many topics on a major topic like the launch of a new system I don't have much of a problem with. But when Kotaku likes a game, they REALLY like the game and make many topics about it, sometimes over the littlest things...

Didn't expect this many responses haha... looks like there's a lot of BL2 fans on here... well, great for them, I guess. I was being a bit sarcastic, a bit whiny maybe I'll admit, but when it comes down to it, it doesn't make a difference I guess. Hell, back when they were running a gazillion Mass Effect 3 articles

Can we expect 5 more articles a day for the next 2 weeks or so on Borderlands 2?

I wish there was a way to disable those slowdown effects. It's neat to see them a few times, but they eventually get old and I'd rather just have some fast paced fighting without the slow-mo effects. Got annoying in Assassin's Creed too.

Which carrier are you using? I'm in Sac also, and I got a Verizon iPhone, so hoping we get good 4G speeds here.

And why, may I ask, does XI "not really count"?

I play XIV, and I've had some pretty damn good times playing it. That said, it WAS appalling at launch, but Yoshi-P's been great at adding all the content in the game now at a brisk pace since he took over. It's fun to play, if only made frustrating by the engine itself (slowdown, UI lag, etc). Really looking forward

See, why can't E3 be press only for the first couple days, then open to the public like TGS does :(

Oh, have you played this already?

Those things you mentioned have been fixed a while ago. The new interface will come with the relaunch. (there's already pictures/videos of the new interface and game running, youtube it).

This does not play like FF11. *plays both*

Uhh, what? I'm a current player, this new version is NOT out yet. We are still playing the original version.

This version shown in the trailer is NOT the current version. This has been developed from the ground up in a year and a half, at the same time that they have been improving the current version, which also doesn't even resemble the launch version anymore. It's actually pretty impressive how hard they've been working

Ahh yes, I remember these days. I would actually use the 'Notes' section in the back of game manuals to write down strategies, reminders to myself, etc. Or passwords to levels! Remember those?! No save systems, just passwords...

I had to google 'Australasia' lol.. Thought it was a typo! Never heard that term before.


I just... don't like the art style for this game.

Pretty good advice, thanks :)

Yeah I was playing coop with a friend at the time. We both got bored pretty quickly. I guess the whole loot-driven thing is why though, I don't care too much for systems such as those. Probably why I played through Diablo 3 on Normal once and didn't touch the game again after that. Don't really care for loot, I'm in

Not to mention incredibly slow and excruciatingly boring in most parts.