
What makes the BL games so much fun, exactly? I only played the first one for like an hour but got extremely bored. Does it get more fun?

I....was not expecting this.

But, wouldn't you hate having to look down all the time to push the correct skill on the touchscreen?

My god, 3 was absolutely amazing, I don't know if you finished it.

Verizon's online store was taking orders about 2 minutes early, submitted my order no problem or slowdown at all. Apple's store is still down...

Watch his video posted on the page, they will post the finished movie to Youtube and Vimeo.

This sounds and looks great, can't wait to see the finished product!

I've got a Kindle Fire, and I use it for reading 85% of the time. The other 15% I use for Netflix, even though I have a big screen HDTV in my room lol. Sometimes I just want to cuddle up with a TV show O_o

I haven't read the novels, which I know he was introduced in, so that probably has something to do with it. However, in ME3, they give him NO backstory, don't explain where the hell he comes from or what motivates him. He literally just pops up outta nowhere and they try to portray him as this enemy when we really

I am not seeing a blue version there... but a blue one would be cool!

Tell that to Everquest, buddy.

Why would anyone dress up as Kai Leng... that character SUCKED. On another note, I am loving that red N7 armor.

That would make too much sense updating the storage as well. Apple likes to nickel and dime their customers by updating everything else just ever so slightly.

Pretty much, thank you.

But who looks at the lock screen, when it's...locked? The screen doesn't stay on. And when you pick it up to use the device again, just unlock it, and boom, back to where you left off, you might see an ad for half a second while unlocking. This doesn't bother me one bit. Unless I am missing something about how the ads

For some reason my eyes only focused on the words "Last" and "Gameplay Demo" in the article title, and I immediately thought it was a gameplay demo of The Last Guardian. Sadly, as comprehension set in, so did disappointment.

Yes, it does matter, because we gamers know exactly what we want and we will get it no matter what! *cough* masseffect3ending *cough*

My god my pants are officially wet.

Haha! So true... and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Actually, you're quite wrong.