
The new client essentially means a new engine that the game is running on - mainly, brand new graphics and the game runs a lot smoother than the current sluggish engine.

I play WoW as well, but no, FFXIV's changes are MASSIVE. It's essentially a new game worked from the ground up. New graphics engine, completely redesigned world, quests, etc. Literally, everything. Yoshida stated that approx. 90% of A Realm Reborn is new assets and whatnot, and the other 10% is being carried over from

No, it was free for many months when Yoshida took over as director/producer while they developed patches and updates to the current version. Subs finally kicked back in in January. It won't be free to play when the new version comes out either.

Hahaha, I also cringe when the word 'literally' is thrown around like that. It's not used appropriately >_<

No thanks, I'm waiting for A Realm Reborn :)

and the dog/bird/thing will be a character in Battle Royale All-Stars before TLG is even out.

That's pretty crazy reading that article. Interesting to see that the original team was less than 40 people. It's probably much bigger than that now. Also, that initial UI, lol!

I feel the same way... could really have made something interesting with a Mass Effect animation, and who knows, it may still be interesting, but why Vega? Nobody liked Vega lol.

It really does boggle my mind. The only thing I liked from XIII were the graphics, battle system, and the boss theme music. Everything else blew. I even tried playing XIII-2 to see what the 'fixes' were, but I couldn't get past Serah and Noel, they are absolutely horrible characters.

While it probably doesn't affect the ending in any way, I was still looking forward to this. I play ME because I love the characters, story, and atmosphere, so any chance to spend some extra time in this universe is alright with me.

100% serious.... I mean, the graphics themselves look pretty enough and the game is not ugly by any means... but from the video, the character designs and areas seem to lack any sort of creativity. Looks like cookie cutter fantasy to me. Keep in mind I have not played the game, just judging from the video.

I'm not surprised at this, lol.

That art style looks extremely boring :(

There are no server transfers currently, though they may open them up once 2.0 hits.

Musashi: Samurai Legend, the horrible sequel to the AMAAAAZING Brave Fencer Musashi on ps1, that I must have replayed a bajillion times over and over because it's so damn fun and still play to this day. Don't know how many people ever actually played the original title, it was sadly overlooked by most. Glory days of

Haha it totally didn't. Although I will say, the gameplay and battle system itself was pretty fun to play, but still, I couldn't bring myself to finish it with the whole girl-band vibe and teenybopper feel.

I'll agree with you on this one for the most part. While I do consider ME2 a thousand times more fun to PLAY than the original, the story itself went pretty downhill.

Oh wow I totally agree with you on just about all of those haha. I was sooo looking forward to a Perfect Dark sequel, and we all know how that turned out. Banjo-Kazooie as well. what a letdown.

Same for me. The image along with that startup sound ... ahh, those were the days.

I'm just curious, why do some people in the comments say 'make it fun again, unlike GTAIV'? I fully played through GTAIII, Vice City, and San Andreas, but not IV yet. So I genuinely want to know what made IV not as fun? Like, specific things.