
Really? I saw it as soon as Ramona stepped in. Girl is gorgeous and exactly what Peter would go after. I also suspect that Ramona's daughter is Peter's child. I honestly get why Alicia and him are together but really just want it to be over with. I get that it is an important part of Alicia's story but I rather she

Exactly so happy that Archie is leaving. I'm enjoying the amount of time she is getting onscreen, it just sucks that I'd like her to interact more with her other co-workers. I miss Diane. We get a few scenes here and there but definitely not enough, hope more for her in the latter season.

i fear that Lana is going to get killed which will drive Kalinda to walk away. The thought upsets me.

Agreed 100% on what you said about Lana. I love that they brought her back because I find the Kalinda and Lana history interesting which makes me sad because they really do not use it to its potential. I think if they gave it more depth then I could believe how much of an impact Lana is making with Kalinda, however, I

So finished the Good Wife and the detective (Victor Williams) was playing Cary's bodyguard tonight, it was kind of funny to see. (is this consider a spoiler?)

Clyde had Joan to keep him company, Harlan…aw. Poor guy.

Read the scene differently. At the end of the show you seeing Watson with Kitty indicates that she also is a survivor of rape. It was a bit of a surprise because you don't see it coming. It also makes sense why Joan is adamant that Kitty go to meetings because she understands, not because it is in her nature or

I was confused for a second because I didn't know him or recognize him but when Joan asked him questions I was like this dude has to be known somewhere. I don't watch American football so had no clue. It was still nice to see the knife throwing.

Liu and her outfits. Looking good as always though. Also loved the Bell and Sherlock scene where he moved to protect Bell from a gunshot. Aw, the feels. I kind of would love to see an episode with Bell working alongside more heavily with Sherlock. Maybe I just want a more focused Bell and Gregson episode. It would be

This season is really up and down for me. I've skipped through two episodes already. I'm hoping the meatier stuff comes to fruition soon. Also tired of the flashbacks with Oliver. Is i bad I find them more comical then interesting?

Well considering in the comics being that Laurel is Black Canary I would've assume that this was not a big deal. I've known when Sara entered the fold that it was temporary. Idk. I really do not get people and spoilers. I really do not care, but to each their own.

The show is following the typical formula for this type of genre. Honestly Iris is a mix of Lana, Lois and Mary Jane for me. I think the reason why she is blur-obsessed is because she is attracted. That whole scene between her and Barry. The look in her eyes, amazement and fascination with a hint of I want you. I just

I hate that this was canceled. Yes it isn't perfect but I think ABC should have stuck it out. Forever, isn't that great but they decided to pick that up.

I'm not into the Iris and Barry pairing but I find the show in general reminds me or has me feeling like I'm watching an episode of Smallville in its early days.

It was nice to see Grodd. Totally surprised. I'm loving the Flash. It is basically delivering a easy but entertaining watch. Nothing too deep to wrap my mind around and I love it. I will admit tonight's formula was a bit boring but it had some good moments.

This show needs more Bridget Regan that is all! lol. I enjoyed this. It was more emotional and focus on Jane's motivations. I honestly am enjoying the ride.

Nah, she wouldn't last. Bishop has some loyal ppl within his organization and doubt Kalinda would run the risk of just letting her emotions guide her to kill a person of such power. Also it wouldn't help Cary in any way, in fact it will make him look worse because of the close ties the two have with each other. I'm

She cares for both of them. Lana and her have a long history way before the whole Bishop stuff like she states. She also has history with Cary. It is obvious Kalinda is using her connection with Lana to help/protect a friend. This is not uncalled for in her character. Kalinda is hard to pin down and I think has given

Agree, question do you know what the blank card is? I was trying to figure it out but have no idea.

We all are. I'm hoping she cuts a deal with the Feds and goes into hiding. Anything but death.