
I live for those clyde moments. I have to agree with ep was slow for me but it is clear what they really building up toward. I didn't expect that ending and I am impressed with the events that led up to. I'm looking forward to the next ep and I was really happy to see Joan wake up in the Brownstone again tonight. Her

I have to disagree about the ending. I do believe they probably added it because Sarah, Jonah and Greg are planning for a Shaw return. With her appearance it confirms that she is for sure going to be back. I do like the fact the viewers along with the Machine know that she is alive while team doesn't. It also shows

Don't really like Eddie Huang (I find him annoying, dislike his food show) but I might check it out since I would like to support an Asian-American show and it seems endearing.

I haven't watched the last few eps. I just really have not enjoyed S2 of Sleepy Hollow. Reading the review it does saddens me that Irving is going to be working with Henry. I just prefer having my S1 rag tag team back. Henry can have Katrina.

I'm still hoping for Shaw return. I wouldn't be surprised to see Kitty back every once and a while or a small cameo through facetime or skype to consult on cases and get advice.

It is great to see Taraji back on tv again. I wish it was back on POI but she is killing it on Empire.

Rogelio is the best. Jamie is amazing and perfectly nails all his scenes. Him and Xo are amazing.

Definitely! Michael has grown on me. I find he is slowly becoming a more rounded character.

Loving the score for each episode. Tonight's was so beautiful to listen to. The ep was definitely more toned down but I get why they did it. I look forward to POI's return and the continuation of this story arc even if it ends up mention every so often. Amy is definitely killing it.

Yeah. I've love all of the leading ladies on this show. Carter, Shaw and Root. Definitely do not see Amy leaving or dying anytime soon.

I'm holding out hope for a least a small return for Sarah. I honestly think the writers hope to do something with Shaw's absence if Sarah is able to come back (reocurring or for a few eps). However, I like to think that Shaw's death will lead to a stronger team, I do like Shaw's ISA agent dude. I wouldn't mind if he

It can be good or bad. I honestly thing that it wouldn't be a major issue to have Shaw return. We really do not know what happens to her. She could be tortured, imprisoned or brainwashed and comeback to be on the opposite end. It sucks but I don't think it will cause major issue to the main plot. POI also has great

This episode was near perfection. I'm so pumped for the next weeks episode. It really can't get here fast enough. I love how the show does take risks. This episode had so many memorable moments. I like it when the team get to be together and really work together because we get to see how amazing the characters, their

I think it comes down to writing. I wouldn't have such an issue with the whole Katrina storyline but I find she is such a under developed character that the arc for her is terrible. Its interesting if it were given to another character.

A great episode because it gave me Shaw and food fanservice. Also Root and Shaw fanservice. lol. I do love the pacing and it sets up the next two episodes greatly. So looking forward to this. Also that church scene was perfection. Team Machine vs. Samaritan. I wonder if we will get to see the relevant side come into

I think Samaritan doesn't know about Bear. Bear is the secret weapon if anyone is going to save the day it is him.

Nolan did say that people wouldn't be happy with how they would give the AIs a voice. They took the risk anyway. I didn't mind it but I do hope that they change it up. I saw this as a once off to illustrate how young Samaritan was but the next time we see a scene like that I'm hoping it would have changed forms.

IDK…it is hard to find the ending that much of a cliff hanger even tho it takes place on a cliff and someone dies. It is the lead so….it is safe to assume he'll be alright. I'm hoping Maseo and Nyssa are obvs the people that help him. It is clear that the two do not buy him being Sara's killer. I assume the league

i think Rose is Sin Rostro. We do not know much about her and this latest act has me questioning her character a lot more.

Frankly I just want a POI, and Elementary crossover. Maybe add the Good Wife somehow but I really would love to get an episode where our detectives bump into each other. Root, Finch and Sherlock have some conversation while everyone else looks on.