
This weeks ep was awesome. Loved it. The tension is building and enjoyed Alicia's case involving the university and rape. I do enjoy her scenes with her brother also. They offer a break from work and politics and you see the softer side of her character.

It was always clear that Scotty was the one that died/killed, the question is who killed him. Right now it points to the obvious two suspects but wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be someone else entirely.

That is too bad, I quite liked it. Henry and Eliza were good. Maybe John Cho will head back to Sleepy Hollow then.

He is so very hot!

I agree, many of these characters come off just as flawed as Rebecca. I think that Connor and Michaela have been more fleshed out. It could be due to acting that I find that Katie Findley doesn't pull off that edgy and disadvantaged girl role. It comes off at times as very Degrassi-like. Little teen soapy, imo. My

I liked the episode overall, didn't love it but thought that the pacing, tone, and the story were well executed. I like the latter half much more though. I will say loved the scenes where we see Watson and Holmes side by side. I really am looking forward to them mending their relationship. I honestly can't wait. I

Agreed. I found that we really didn't learn much about her. I think this ep showed us things we already knew, except that we found out that she went through a gothic phase and her ex is crazy. I get that it showed us how Felicity got to where she is but I wanted a deeper character study. I definitely think it could

It was an alright episode. Didn't love it and didn't hate it. Felicity is the only reason it kept my interest and she did have some good lines. I feel like they could have done more to show us who Felicity is. I really didn't care for the ex-lover plotline. I guess I was hoping for something more gritter, darker…idk.

Gonna check out the show. I've been debating and think I'll try it out. Seems fun and I love telenovelas as a kid. So hearing it sort of combines the theatrics of it in the show seems like it would be fun and enjoyable.

Yeah there is that chance but I imagine the writers seeing it through where he decides to fight along with his parents. Henry is a fan favorite and I know many would love to see the reunion of the family. I personally need a villain that I love to hate in this show. Noble embodies it so well. If they decide that Henry

The writing this season has gone down, imo. I'm not interested or happy about so many things. I hate how they are writing Katrina. I know many people dislike her but I mainly blame the writers and not the character or the actress. The writing and development (which is none) is terrible and this latest episode proves

Yeah, I was quite disappointed when John Noble revealed it at Comic Con months earlier that he'd be getting a redemption arc. I really do not think it is necessary. I loved the rage. I also question why they are giving Abraham one as well. If they keep going down this route we will soon be getting a Moloch redemption.

So not keen on next episode. Seriously writers?! What happened. I really would love it if you could get away from cliched storylines. I also do not need more Hawley. Where is Jenny's episode or Irving. What happened to those two great characters. Stop force feeding viewers to fall in love with this one-dimensional

Lets hope they do not kill Kalinda. I think I'm happy that Delaney is back for a few more episodes since she'll likely get Kalinda protection she needs. I'm already irritated about the complete isolation that Kalinda's character has gone through over the seasons. The terrible writing as well for her character so they

I was hoping for Bonnie but yeah…this episode happened. #BisexualBonnie2k14!

I'd be interested in seeing how they portray the Sherlock and Kitty relationship. You can already see that Kitty realizes that Watson is not only the model/standard but also is an important person to Sherlock. As well you see Sherlock disappointed at times (i.e. her being locked in the chair, and her not follow

I really wanted to hear "Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords" come out of her mouth. Elementary writers fit that in somewhere.

Agree. I enjoyed seeing it. Of course you are reminded of Joan vs. Moriarty in Season 1. I love the dynamics and the mind games that can be played in those types of scenes.

As a lady myself I question the choices, just so impractical. Those heels! I love the fashion but if I was an investigator I'd be mixing it up but always be wearing comfy shoes. Maybe borrow from Kalinda Sharma (from the Good Wife) closet.

I just loved that last scene between the two. It is clear Kitty has her own reasons and desires and I can't wait to see Joan offer her guidance. It is going to be good, and I do like that the show didn't take it where the two just hate each other. You get a sense of respect between the two. But yes, Kitty should know