
I thought he was knocking to ask her for some sugar.

Change happens, life evolves. I'm loving it so far and I can't wait to see the relationship repair and become stronger.

Yeah but I argue that is part of his manipulation. He helps Thea and allows her the "freedom" to flourish but in the end he will expect something in return. He is still a monster that does not want to change. Merlyn is being portrayed as a morally grey character but he still in it for himself. He is a malignant

Screw the love interests. Felicity doing fine all by herself. I know its hard since she has chemistry with everything but I'm so looking forward to next ep where we focus on her and not have her slowly being regulated as love interest.

Shield has improved, however, you can tell when the director isn't use to shooting fight scenes. As well I find it quite easy to detect when a stunt actor is being used. I wish they could disguise it a bit more. I find Arrow has not only great choreography but scenes are well shot and performed. AOS still doesn't have

I think out of all of the al ghul children they would introduce the son (although dude is dead in comic verse). I just feel like Arrow won't go down the Talia path for the same reasons they chose to use Nyssa. As well I feel like DC would want Talia to be portrayed in film (for now). Who knows…maybe. I predict that

I want to add Nyssa punching Oliver because he deserved it. Seriously I get why Oliver refused to kill Merlyn but offering protection…bad move and stupid. I can't wait when Oliver finds out what Thea has been up to. I just feel like he is in denial and it will kick him in the ass…literally.

The flashbacks are the parts I nap as well during Laruel scenes.

I think it may come off that way because we haven't gotten to see the lead up to their relationship which would add more depth. I find Katrina portrays her love for Sara in a believable way. It is clear that the love was more one-sided. Sara loved Nyssa but not as much as Nyssa loved her.

She is pretty but it is hard not to see the amount of botox she has done to her face. I'm actually thinking Katie has become more attractive as angry Laurel, however, Katrina Law owns my heart along with Emily for hottest ladies on the show. Again, it is all subjective.

Roy just needs to ease up on the parkour. lol.

Totally agree. Ra's is the first person I thought of immediately. I'm so hoping for Nyssa to return. I'm quite pumped for Ra's storyline on the show.

True but I think by making her a more recurring character or regular, I feel like she can be a compelling character. I honestly would love a League of Assassins show. Nyssa is a character I think would be great to have as a main vehicle besides her father.

Can I get a League of Assassins show with Katrina Law. That is all I really want at the moment.

Correction: Girls want to be with her. I definitely want to do her.

I kind of like that. I actually want the Barry and Iris thing to stay as friends. Why should Iris be the one for Barry just because he has been in love with her for the longest time. I would love to see it go unrequited, Barry meets someone else and moves on. It would be a different instead of having Iris wake up and

I just hope the writers do not kill it. I love Felicity Smoak. She is a great character for Arrow, however, I find that with her popularity they are regulating her to typical love interest. She has chemistry with just about everyone. I get it.

Well that is what happens when they drag out the dramatic tension. I really can't wait for Jemma to shut it down. The faster the better. I really can't stand another week of blame Jemma for Fitz's issues. Fitz needs to continue to move forward and work on getting better.

Those three have become my holy trinity on the show. They are bomb. I love Chloe too but I find her story unexciting, so my interest wanes abit.

I find that because "feelings" were brought up the consensus was Jemma ran, however, she is the person that knows Fitz the best. Sorry Mack. Jemma's presence was not helping him and so she left. As well I loved how Elizabeth play all of her scenes with Fitz and Mack. You definitely get the sense that there is more at