
I don't really care for Kalinda and Alicia sharing scenes either and don't think I will miss her since the poor piss writing they give her. I hope to see her do more work in the Fall season 2 as well happy she is getting a chance to do her own show.

I frankly want Ichabod and Abbie to confront Hawley. The guy may not know who he is selling to but it is obvious that the objects he is looking for are going to Henry. I just find it stupid to ignore. I really do not want another ep where Hawley helps them and goes away with "this weeks magic object" only to resurface

I second this!

I know! I don't mind him but I rather regulate him to rarely occurring. Let him be the weapons guy that they deal with from time to time to help serve their cause. I see the writers are trying to push us to see his importance but I don't when there are far more important characters on the show.

Yeah, I agree. I'm kind of hoping the Sleepy Hollow writers do something different with it.

Next ep seems quite intense and might deliver a thrilling ride. I admit tonight's ep wasn't their best but it wasn't bad. Felt quite formulaic and filler-ish. However, good to see mentions of Corbin. I wish they hadn't rushed young Corbin out. I think I wouldn't mind him joining the group. Yet again, I just want more

I dont think she has because she is being very Simmons… esp with the whispered "She's amazing…." Also I would like to think that Bobbi could tell if she were brainwashed since she did test it during the bathroom scene. As well as head of security that she at least be notified of who is being forced to undergo

So Skye is going to be a vampire slayer.

I hope to see cameos from the AOS show to occur in the films. It will be a nice treat but they might just end up following DC and keep the DC TV characters away from the DC movie. Coulson for now seems to be the only tie in.

I agree about Felicity. I know people love Olicity but I rather she not become a prop. I'm sticking around for a little because Nyssa is back and I want to see what they do with the league of assassins story arc.

I think she did place her hands on his shoulder during the finale but also the hand gesture is important because that was the hint to the audience that Simmons was not real but a part of Fitz's conscience. It was his way of coping the absence of Simmons. It was essentially a coping mechanism. That is why so much

Wasn't Mac said to be part of Hunter, Hartley and that other guy I can't remember's merc team? I thought that is why he knew a lot about Hunter's wife since he has worked with Hunter because Hartley recruited her own team of mercenaries.

The Fitz and Simmons dynamic change will be a whole season thing. It wouldn't really get resolved till the latter episodes. The show needs the tension to last so they will draw it out. I hope they don't take too long because sometimes the writing falters when it comes to these types of storylines. I'm happy about this

Well you do realize that Skye isn't used to the chain of command, she never really adapted to it that well. Also I think she really feels that the team are her family, which they are so in a way thinks she is above it. It is quite clear that Skye doesn't see her relationship with Coulson as merely director and

Agree. the writing has improved but i can easily see it being a poorly done filler ep with awesome cameos.

I predict that they will but at least give Trip a bigger role in a mission once and a while. I've actually started to like Hunter despite the cliche writing for him but since they added him I find that Trip has taken a bigger backseat. I get they want to offer him more screen time for Hunter because he is a new

Lets hope Mockingbird becomes regular. She is awesome! Also I'm so into Simmons and Bobbi. I ship it.

Have you seen the Fall? It stars Gillian Anderson and Archie plays a medical examiner. Two amazing and beautiful women on my screen.

Yeah I disagreed about that comment in the review. I like that they are still focusing on Fitz and having him accept and move on quite early. I rather they not drag that storyline out which other shows would do so. It added to tonight's episode and I'm happy it wasn't about Lance Hunter. I loved the minimal Hunter

Agreed. i don't mind Hawley but i find him to be a bit cliched and more importantly taking away screen time from other cast members that need it. IMO, they could have easily put Jenny in Hawley's place in tonight's episode. I know she has to do community service and stay out of trouble but I rather they use her