
They are basing it off the books so they will be using the books as a reference. Thank goodness. I believe the sequel is taking 15 years later after the events in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Wu Xia is a popular genre for Asian film, books and tv. I grew up with it all and I adored Ang Lee's take with his work on Crouching Tiger. The fact that Ang Lee isn't on board already tells me that this really isn't going to live up the first film (many sequels don't). I rather they try to make a new Wu Xia style

Not really down with Katrina and Abraham. I really do not find the whole "you are mine and mine only to possess" type of love ideal. I don't care who she ends up with but I really wish they don't go down the route of Katrina actually being in love with him. It is an abusive relationship. Katia hinted a beauty and the

Apparently he is supposed to have history with Jenny but holds interest in Abbie. I really am not looking forward to a love triangle between two sisters for this one guy. I hope they avoid it. But interested in meeting the weapons expert.

Lawless is going to be back, I doubt she is dead dead. I'm sure we will see her back in later episodes as well a way to mess with the team and Lance Hunter. Judging by Lawless's interview about the show they did tell her a good amount of her backstory which to me is wasted if she just dies before the audience learns

It is the pacing and tension. I just find the episodes are lacking the urgency and tone that I was hoping to feel but they seem to have gone back to the somewhat formulaic episodes which did not help them much in the beginning of S1. I get they are trying to reintroduce everyone along with new characters but I find

I don't know what it is about AOS writing but I couldn't fully watch tonight's episode it was slow and I don't care for Lance Hunter. He is written so stereotypically of a British Bad Boy written for tv. I agree more screen time is taken away from the core cast but I'm sure when we get to 5 episodes from the finale it

Nick Blood is actually a regular cast member, think was announced not to long ago. Not sure if Lawless is even a reoccurring, it is clear she will have an arc. She is definitely not dead despite the fact it was made to seem that way.

I would not like for the show to take him down a redemption arc. But I'm sure in predictably fashion they will. At least Whedon knows how to write a layered arc when it comes to redeeming his various characters. I find that Brett is a better actor or at least is being given better material when he is a psychotic

the army tried to but it was Shield's weaponry and Skye shooting him that took him down which provided the opening for Shield to take Talbot but also lead Absorbing man to the secure facility. It was poor writing, imo.

The shows pacing in general is odd. I feel like it is slow when it would benefit with pumping it up. During the dire moments I find that I'm not on the edge of my seat but just dozing away. I was wishing the writers would rectify it but I really am not eager about it being a slow build-up of filler-like episodes until

It makes sense why she left. I think we also forget that Simmons went through a trauma and is having to deal with the aftermath of it. So for me her leaving is something she would totally do because she isn't the same anymore. I would not be surprised if she is trying to heal on her own while doing science stuff on

I was disappointed with the this seasons opener, it was exactly how I felt last season. I feel like it is a slow start and yeah we get some direction but none of the events in this episode had me on the edge of my seat. It was quite predictable.

So looking forward to Jill Flint and it makes sense that she come back because of the whole Bishop case. I'm so enjoying the set up to this arc. Looks like it will be a good one. I also hope that the Kings keep to their word because Kalinda needs more development.

Considering it is a popular lesbian flick, not sure. Matthew was adorable in that for sure.

What a awesome episode and definitely makes me eager to see what arises this season. Love the Good Wife.

Hahah, I saw the notification and was wondering who would comment. It was nice you did update me. :) I'm glad that you found it enjoyable as well. I'm really looking forward to the second season and hope they continue on improving, especially with having to rebuild Shield, and deal with the mess Hydra has left, it

Yeah, it seems like it. I saw pictures and definitely is what you said, a knee brace. I can see it being part of her genetic makeup which again reiterates how truly unique each one is to the other. As well it also serves as another reason why Marion is so invested in wanting to help the clones besides Castor and the

Oh she is a wildcard there is no denying. lol.

Also to take note of is Charlotte's leg. Did she get hurt it or is it part of who she is. It was in this cast of some sort. I didn't get a long glimpse. I'm curious though.