
Graeme and John did talk about Mark and said that they don't expect Ari Millen to do what Tatiana does. So I'm not sure how much male clones we will get next season. I do like what it adds to the story and will be an interesting dynamic since I always thought that they were going to use clones as "super soldier"

There are a number of Asian actors that he could be pick from. But it will likely be Tony Leung and or maybe Kaneshiro.

Well Rachel did state that she was telegenic.

Yeah I found that out as well. Thanks for the reply though. :)

Agreed! It would be hilarious if there was a spin-off show concerning the Hendrix family, the terrible team of Angie and Vic. Get Art with Helena and things get really interesting.

Hahah. But isn't that what most suburban soccer mom's watched in reality?
Although I do really agree with Alison and the show Dexter (never watched it). Lots of people looking for treasures nowadays by scuba diving.

True! Paul at least seems to be playing a bigger role while Cal is right now just the dad.

She is though. So I definitely like that plan.

She is the angel and I believe will take out anyone who gets in her way. But I also feel Kira has got this thing handled. She has a game plan already I saw that look in her eyes as Rachel creepily talked to her.

She's likely the next hit on the Hendrix hit list. I actually thought that Vic was going to be it this episode. lol.

I feel bad for those kids. I wonder how they are dealing with all the erratic behaviour from both parentals. lol. Those two ain't Kira.

They opened up new ones but also sort of closed some too. Helena's problems with the Proletheans are at this moment done. I'm sure they will be back though. If we get a new season. PLEASE NEW SEASON!

She did? WTF?! Unbelievable!

I assume it isn't the last we see of her. I think we will be seeing her in a multitude of costumes and small roles. It was great to see her but I can't really judge her acting when it was quite short. Lovely woman though. So happy to see her.

I assume they cut it thinking that audience just knows that she wouldn't let them die. I think it would have added to the overall picture but I get that they need to be strict with screen time and shooting scenes. But that is just one scene out of many that I would love for them to elaborate/keep. I really wanted more

Zombie Helena would be unstoppable. Since they are making another terminator, I think they should replace Arnie with Maslany as Helena.

Oh and I am worried about who was burned down with that crazy cult. I hope the kids were okay. Helena? Please tell me you made sure the kids got away?

I loved those two. The lines from them are the best. "Have a shitty day!" Oh and Vic throwing up some deuces.

She's been acting like that to him for a bit. Remember season one's "You get to have sex…with yourself" comment? She tends to make those type of jabs with him.

Rachel has been planning this for a bit, I assume once Leekie was gone if not a bit earlier. Tactically Delphine is at a vulnerable place, made even more so because she is interim director. It is clear now her life is being threaten by Rachel and Dyad. But it will be interesting what she does. I really want her to