
They were both high at the time when they were talking so it was why they both laughed. It was a serious conversation though because they do finally admit to being in love with each other. Delphine likely won't listen since I think no matter what Cosima's life will come before the other clones and even her own. Cosima

I agree. I like that OB was again was trying to reiterate about agency and such but Cosima's story deserves more focus then what the viewers are getting.

I'm assuming Paul is actually there working for the government military. He is there to monitor the Dyad and its activities concerning the clones. They somehow have to make his character more intriguing and slightly layered. lol. I still can't though. Switch him with Agent Ward and I wouldn't know much of the

I never learn any of the titles of the episodes of any show. lol. OB actually has made me pay more attention to them and I like how they offer up a new poster each week.

To be fair the episode though I'll call a filler did reveal and push forward the story for the other clones. It wasn't like it was just a stand alone, we can forget about. It was weird seeing Sarah not being the huge focus to the episode. I enjoyed seeing more of Rachel, Alison and Cosima (for once) get more of the

Now I'm getting weird images of Alison and Donnie as vampire slayers. lol.

True but I think I'll enjoy the dynamic Alison, Helena and Tony will have. Those three together, working and having to get along when all three are vastly different.

Two episodes without Helena just means the last two involving her will be of epic proportions.

"Did Kira understand the science drawings in the book? Why did Ethan give them to her?"

They handled it the best way they could. So far reactions about Tony seemed to be mixed.

Maybe the bathtub acid…

I usually don't even look at the rating. I'm here for the discussion and various views this site brings.

It is always hard to figure out with Rachel. I'm actually enjoying the whole internalizing everything which is now beginning to break apart arc. As for Paul, I assume she does miss him because I think she needs to feel in control. Paul lets her feel like that, although it is clear that he isn't at all in her control.

I'm seriously hoping the continued critical acclaim, and award nods as well as the improvement in ratings to give them the push to extend. Although still low in ratings, there is still an improvement in comparison to the first season. I really want another season if not more. The creators said they have the 3 year

Maybe bring in Tony or Helena. Donnie, fun dopey guy but could not handle it.

New proposal, how about Art, Felix as PIs and Alison comes in as the cleaner?

She is the hot one.

I feel that Cal, Mrs. S and Paul will somehow weirdly connect to one another.

I like to think there is more then that. Considering that the previews are now showing she has now been given a new promotion. I get Rachel wants to keep people like Paul and Delphine close to her to use them but would love to see what other skeletons are hiding in Delphine's closet.

You mean you're not into the sister-kisser scene? lol.