
I love all the women on this show. Sexiest female cast.

After this episode I need a headband and some therapy.

season 2, and he is still alive. so we will see.

Oh I interpreted it as she thinks he's cute in a platonic way. Like a little brother or kid since he sounded like a child when asking why he couldn't come work with her at the Dyad. Idk…but hooking up with Cosima is no problem for me though. lol. :p

Good points, which makes me more excited when Sarah finds Ethan and Rachel discovers the truth. I definitely didn't buy the fact the lab fire as being just an "accident."

Yeah, but I was wondering about her lab work. Did she move her subjects along with her too? Not sure if I remember what her PhD topic exactly is about except that she is evo-devo. I know it isn't impossible but Scott in last night's episode made it seem even more that she is not even paying any attention to it. She

Oh no you're right that Cosima's from California but her PhD program is in Minnesota.

Oh so not that big. Thanks for telling me!

Oh, was she? what did she do? I don't watch it but hope I'll see her digital short.

I assume that Cosima has put her PhD on hold to work at the Dyad but maybe she decided to move her work along with her. Doubt it though. She could tavel back and forth to Minnesota but it is clear that she hasn't. If Art actually went to Tim Horton's to get Helena donuts then maybe we can acknowledge that it really

I got Sarah…I guess I'm rough around the edges.

Oh, that's mean but I can't help but let out an evil laugh.

Eating raw ramen is quite common. You can even add some seasoning and eat it like a snack. However, not that healthy, obvs. lol.

It's clear that Cosima and Delphine like to break into Leekie's office when he isn't around so are the creators going to give us a sex scene on his desk? No…better idea…Rachel's? Cosima's way of thanking her for withholding treatment.

Yeah. I love Cosima but they haven't really paid much attention to her. Hopefully now that Sarah knows she is sick, maybe more of Cosima will be developed further. However, hard to say when there is how many episodes left?

Didn't debate get heated concerning Agent Ward and Lorelai?

That so-called mother of hers, wtf. I wanted to take her out Siobhan style.

Well I can see that but look at how she sometimes treats Felix. I think she slowly has seen that Helena isn't what she had originally thought. Add to the fact that Helena did save her life, Sarah is just very grateful. I'm sure the "true sister" bond will develop. I assume we will get glimpses of it through their road

Yeah, you're probably right. Although his reaction threw me off after Sarah revealed that Ethan was alive. He just seemed more interested in where he was, rather then shocked that he was still living. The immediate question he asks is "where?" Idk, its got me spinning theories again.

Yeah…I loved seeing Sarah and Art work together but Helena and him would be fun.