
I anticipate the discovery that Leekie has been hiding a lot more then Rachel thinks. She seems to not know that her father or shall I call him the Swan Man is still alive. But it seems that Leekie knows or did I interpret the Paul convo wrong?

Kira is a demi-god. Seriously.

Can I get a Siobhan and Paul battle royale scene? and then throw in Helena and make it into a Gladiator show?

Maybe Daniel was bigger?

The season finale wasn't the best but I was mainly focused on the Cristina parts of it. Every scene with her was on point. Acknowledging Alex as a talented surgeon, emotional but very twisted sister style goodbye, hugging it out with Bailey and Webber and the heartbreaking farewell to Owen.

Turns out season 2, viewers find out that Ward's incentive was that dog. The dog was kept in a room for years. Redemption restored.

Next season with Fitz will revolve around whether or not he'll try to put a ring on it.

Mind = Blown

They might mention it next season since I'm sure the crew is wondering what the heck. I like Patton Oswalt and hope he becomes a recurring character. Oh and yes to Saffron Burrows!

I really hope not. As much as I liked the twist that he was a baddie. I still generally dislike his character and acting. Sorry Brett Dalton fans.

For goodness sake lets hope it can only go up. The finale was much to be desired but I admit had its moments. Overall I'll check out next season and hope that the writing and direction will provide a much improved and complex story with character who I want to root for.

Helena spin-off as a vigilante to fight for the weak?

Haha, you should write it! A whole musical around Alison's life.

Haha, your comment makes me wish that we could get webisodes focusing around the ongoings of Felix's life and thoughts.

Hahaha, I forgot about Lexx. Oh how I remember now. Memories. It's bringing me back, not sure but heard of the shows Mutant X and Cleopatra 2525? lol.

Yeah, they just glossed it over. But the gist is that they were born from two or one egg (varies) that Leda produced. Out popped Helen (immortal) and Clytemnestra (mortal). The other Castor (mortal) and Polydeuces (immortal).

After that, I hope Sarah does go get her some Jello. Gurl needs to re-energize after the long hard day she's had.

Well I guess they want Helena to kill one person per episode now.

Yeah, as a Classicist I was like "huh" for a moment but the more well known one is the one you stated.

Can we get the Canadian Anthem sung by Celine Dion in it as well?