
I wanted Alison to turn and do another "Hello Donnie."

Cal is Mary Sue right now for me. lol. Definitely more to him. I predict that his old ties will comeback to haunt him.

I would love more Felix and Delphine. Just for the fact he would shade her the whole time. lol. But yeah, Felix is one of those who plays well with anyone. Can we get Felix and Rachel?

Madness this episode was madness!!!!!

What about the dog from UP?

It is hard to say since it could have been either Ward or Garrett. I thought it could be Garrett as well punishing Ward for not completing his task and that is why you see the flash forward to FitzSimmons being released from the ship, cause you know that was suppose to be seen as a redeemable act from Ward (his way of

If they did go down the redemption road…I'm not sure I'll stick with the show unless the writing, and character development start improving. I hope in second season we see consistency in stronger storytelling, characters…pretty much a more rounded show. As well they really need to get rid of Deathlok.

But Ward goes hunting so I'm assuming he took the time to grab his hunting rifle because it was hard for him to shoot the dog point blank. It is hard to say because the Garrett theory does work. If Ward did, it just shows he was trained to kill and be emotional detached. As well used to parallel FitzSimmons situation.

I was actually theorizing that while watching. It would be interesting and great if it did happen, the show really needs a solid antagonist. The dude from Cybertek doesn't fit the bill and I assume that Garrett's days are numbered. I think that having Ward kill him in order to take control would be a plausible and an

Oh that will be interesting and plausible. I would love a focus on the Kree.

I assume he might have let the dog go or maybe he did kill him and his act of regret over it will be mirrored through letting FitzSimmons go like that. Who knows.

I sometimes think what if the writers went the route of Scott being her monitor and Delphine was introduced in order to attract her to the Dyad because Leekie was interested in having her join.

It is clear that Daniel has a lot of connections due to his association with the Dyad. The Dyad has that power. Look at what they did with Paul and the cover-up in Afghanistan. It is clear they are powerful so I wouldn't be surprised that they can pull strings around the local police department. Corruption exists and

It is hard to say at this point. Although, what do we know about Cal? He met Sarah 8 years ago and she left him. However, the thing that intrigues me the most about Cal is his tech background and the fact his partners sold him out to the military. The dude owned a company that created drones and pollinators. The man

Wow! I don't really care about reviews when it comes to film and tv. I barely read them 99% of the time. But I strongly disagree.

I agree with your wife wholeheartedly. That was that scene that got me but the other ones didn't reach me as much as I would have liked.

Bahahah. Lovin it. I wouldn't mind. As well that gives me an idea about how they can work in Rachel McAdams since she is in the area. They can make her a part of Rachel Duncan's Mean Girls Club.

She's an 084…wait wrong show.

Well it also depends on how far they want to take the whole "Leda" thing. The myth varies greatly. I think it would be cool to see male clones but due to budget, time and such I really don't know if the creators would want to work it in. Maybe if OB gets into a 4th season or I can see a spin-off arise though.

I can just imagine the scene with Miss Ginger and her handing it to Helena only to receive it back in a very gruesome and painful way. I know I sound morbid. I'm not a fan of her either, the fact that she calls Helena an "it" and doesn't see her as human is something I'm not a big fan of. But like you said, anything