
Yeah. Felix has a lot more patience them me. I don't think could constantly deal with Sarah's crap for that long.

Yeah, I know she is merely a plot-device. Jennifer's scenes didn't make a big impact on me as much as I thought they would since it is suppose to resonate in Cosima's storyline. I get that we will see her transformation being mirrored through Cosima as her health deteriorates. However I would have enjoyed seeing a bit

Probably. Learning languages is hard. But one thing you can bet on is me being seduced by her Italian. lol.

I get that same feeling as well. I like Delphine (although don't trust her) and am a huge fan of Evelyne Brochu. I've always wanted and await for an episode that focuses more on her and even Leekie. Dude is crazy and attached to the clones and I feel would die for them. As for Delphine, the fact that she is playing

I have to agree I was disappointed in the fact we didn't get to really learn more about Jennifer. Granted I would love an episode where it takes us back in time where it focused on the different clones that did not make it.

I thought that Kira is suppose to be channeling her inner Children of the Corn?

Screw Michelin and its stars. It is all about Helena.

Hahah, but to Agent Bore's credit he has gotten a lot more interesting now that he is on the dark side. I'm hoping that the AOS writers keep him bad because he is a lot more interesting in comparison now. Paul really needs something like that or at the very least more development and a purpose that is more then just a

Yup, we don't know much about her yet so she is very much a redeemable character. Tumblr did a close caption on the newspaper that reaffirms how tied Rachel is to the original expirement and Dyad. TBH, I wouldn't mind her being kept as the menacing antagonist. It would be great to see Maslany show more of her

I'm hoping for some Delphine.

Hahah, agreed. Its quite obvious that Cal is not the guy who Sarah thinks he is. I look forward to reveal though.

I saw this hilarious line from tumblr. So credits to who thought of it:

I think when it comes down to it. Felix will always put Sarah and Kira above everyone else. So it made sense he blew Alison off because as much as he does love her, he's always been and had a place by Sarah's side. Felix doesn't really have anyone else but this episode kind of woke him up. I think made him realize

Same. I thought it was him when I first saw his pictures come up.

So the Cosima and Delphine scenes had me do a lot of thinking. It really just reiterates that Sarah is the clone that both the Dyad and Proleathean's want because she has the ability to reproduce (although Helena might as well-ugh, I can't wait till she brings the pain against the cult). The fact that they think the

I usually don't wish for total destruction of things but I cannot wait till Helena gets some retribution. The Prolethean's have done so much to her and the last scene just made it more heartbreaking. Sarah, it is time to take Helena on a real vacation.

I was surprised how good it was. However, what can't Maslany not do? she can can beat box and frankly I would love the writers to work that thing in somehow. lol.

So true! They should get on Drake's idea and put their logo on their own lint rollers.

I find that he seems more interested (in the last few years) in writing, directing and starring in his productions. Idk. I always think Zack Braff when I think Josh Radnor. Maybe because the direction and focus in their careers are quite similar.

May's an archaeologist. She was at the same lecture I had about how to dig the perfect hole.