
Fucking bullshit.

Ok well thats a relief! From the headline I was thinking they were hoping to find the password written on his hand in pen or something. 

Of course cryptocurrencies are legitimate! I’ll explain more, after we dig up this dead body.”

If Boston(Massachusetts) vs Connecticut is the only thing someone has to point out to claim that Orlando Jones is wrong then Mr. Jones is definitely right about what he said.

(After some retooling) Coming next year on STARZ — American Herbs!

I can’t believe Great Hills Partners became the newest showrunner for American Gods.

Curtis, I say this with the entirety of my being...

#lecheminduroi #bransoncognac #starzgettheapp #abcforlife

It’s funny to me (not really) how these types of Black men who accuse powerful Black women like Oprah of anti-Black male bias for calling out misogynistic behavior by prominent Black men (e.g. Simmons, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly) never show compassion for their victims, who’re are almost always Black women.

While this article was well written and thoroughly enjoyed by me...can our New Years Resolution be to leave Stephen A, Kanye, Candace Owens, and Azealia Banks behind in 2020. 

They can’t just drain it elsewhere, because it is already the low point. Lower than the sewer system, lower than the ocean, and lower than the water table in some places. They do have pumps that can handle a certain number of gallons per hour, so if the seals on the entrance are a little leaky, that can be handled.

There’s already a massive pump system in place to mitigate normal water incursion. That system could be more robust, as there are occasional rainstorms that temporarily overwhelm it, but in those cases there’s not usually too much major damage. (We might lose some ceiling tiles, and maybe a signal or a switch, but

I know, I know. But it’d still be nice if we could get the “poor, mentally-ill, lone wolf” treatment at least once. And every one of us is going to get underserved blame for this instead of vidya games or lack of access to mental health services. 

Why does “me too” have to be “we too” before people are investigated? When will single accusations be heard and treated with respect?

Perotta leads the reader to think that most of the main characters will have sort-of happy endings and then ruins it for most of them in the last chapter. The worst (SPOILER FOR ANYONE WHO MAY CARE) is that at the start of the book Eve gets some anonymous obscene texts that say “you’re my milf” etc, but nothing is

I haven’t seen the show, but this is a really well written review. I kind of feel like I don’t even need to watch it now.

I couldn’t watch it. I tried. I love Kathryn Hahn, (and Carrie Brownstein and Casey Wilson etc.) but the ending of the book is so bleak that it shut out any of the positives  

He has to show his camp is ready and sincere about wanting to work. It’s like a corporation doing everything they could to get rid of someone but realizing they may have screwed something up, they decide to have the person interview for a non existent position so they can say the ‘company tried to work with this

The terrible irony is that the risk to life and limb the NFL poses makes a strong union more of necessity than any of the other sports.

I work for a bank, in IT. The amount of work it takes to ensure that your money is available when and where you want it is basically my full-time job. I maintain dozens of servers whose only job is to take files of transactions, requests, payments, etc. and move them to other servers where they are processed and the