
I feel like I’ve read that article before, but it didn’t show up in my browser history. I have MS, so my short-term memory is 50-50, but I guess Kelly’s article and others I have read over the last year or so culminated in that Guardian piece (that or I forgot I read it somewhere else). It was a good read, and as an

Milan is a gem. I read one of her books a few weeks ago and during the deflowering scene (always one in victorian novels) the girl told her new husband that he did sex wrong.  It was amazing.  She then showed him how to do it right and then the next time it was better. 

Speaking of losers, look at the brand new account who’s only here to defend the RWA and whine about women/non-whites being added to video games.

Thank you so much Kelly for writing about this! I’ve been following along on Twitter, and it’s been a shit show since day 1. I honestly don’t know how the RWA is going to survive this and suspect that it will have to close down soon. 

Psst, I’m part of the RWA, and I wrote about it here, with links to the people who are involved,and my twitter also shows a pretty good timeline of how the board of the online suspense chapter, KOD, essentially decided to dismantle the chapter rather than put out a statement taking a stand against racism and

None of this surprises me. My wife and are friends with a couple of RWA members, and were friends with another. As writers ourselves (non-romance) we’ve been to a handful of RWA events with our RWA friends and there is an odd sort of toxic pleasantness that the writers seem to exhibit towards one another. The way they

Yeah, this was one of the best and most thorough rundowns of the whole controversy I’ve seen. 

I didn’t have a lot of time so I only scanned this story.

I love Milan and Cole both as humans and as authors. Thank you for unwinding all this madness, I was having a hard time following everything on Twitter.

thank you Kelly for this piece! i saw the initial tweets during the holidays about RWA, then the mainstream outlets started posting explainers of what was really going down behind the scenes, and it’s just...fascinating to get a look into an org/world I’ve never really considered, I guess

How did not one single Force Sensitive person feel or notice that The Sith Emporer was still out there doing weird Force stuff, for thirty years?

Who was even piloting the Star Killer Fleet? (that had sat there for thirty years after Emporer Dumbass died. and after his deadman’s switch went off, destroying The Empire

And Luke... never got around to going to Toshi Station to pick up those power converters.

What’s the point of programming C-3po to read Sith but not speak it?

Rey’s last line, when asked about her name, should have been. “It’s just Rey.” Finish the Skywalker and Palpatine lines. Rumor has it Star Wars doesn’t need to tell stories using the Hatfield/McCoy model. Ask Dunn and The Child from Mandalorian. Broom boy and, hopefully, an unseen mop girl get to be the start of a new

It is the Jedi way.

Why is everyone a quitter?

Agreed. Nerfing Rose was the most pandering move Jar Jar Abrams and Disney made. The russian bots, racists and incels won you cowards.

It was pretty damn petty to reset 3PO's memories to the end of Force Awakens.

The answer to all of these questions is: “there is no answer.” Even if George never had all the answers himself, at least he was good at faking it. This movie just proves to me what I’ve known since Star Trek: Abrams doesn’t care about world building or precedent. He cares only for “rule of cool” (his definition of