Why do I feel like the backlash would come so much faster if this was Kyler Murray or Deshaun Watson making these comments?
Why do I feel like the backlash would come so much faster if this was Kyler Murray or Deshaun Watson making these comments?
actually, Russ stated in an interview he voted for Hillary. He also moved his North Carolina wedding out of the state because of the “Bathroom Bill.”
I live in the Seattle area (ie: not actually Seattle, because I’m a pearl-clutching white person). I’m a Vikings fan. My wife is a Seahawks fan. They just played last night. My oldest son is 5, and took interest in the game for a few minutes. He asked who we rooted for...then asked me who he should root for, daddy’s…
My opinion was forever altered in their favor after they allowed this to be their official music video for Hopeless Wanderer- perhaps the greatest video the internet has ever blessed us with
How dare you like something.
I guess this is an unpopular opinion, but my wife and I saw Mumford and his kiddos in Madison, Wisconsin last March and they were great. I enjoyed the show very much despite not knowing most of the songs.
They really fucked it up this time, didn’t they my dear?
They always ask how the shoe feels, never how it feels
no, it clearly has abandonment issues.
i just learned that it is possible to feel deep personal empathy for boogie at the same time as i feel intense schadenfreude for the organization which employs him
Dibs on your liver.
Dang, that sucks. He can have my ACL if that would help. I’m definitely not using it.
Yes! For those not in the loop - Tanner and his wife appeared on Marriage Bootcamp where it was revealed that he does not like going down on her but expects BJs. Also he will only change one diaper a day. He sucks.
Probably because he’s a conservative hack dressed in libertarian clothes trying to get black people to buy into supply-side economics, racial pseudoscience and the merit myth.
He just can’t seem to stay out of Troubles.
I hope that, as you “move forward,” you are comforted by the jingling sound of the 30 pieces of silver inside the cupholder of your Maybach.
Honestly the best bar stool sports content I’ve ever seen.
Not nearly enough is being made of that PERFECT “Maybe I can teach you a thing or two about going down on your wife”. Demi wins forever.
I liked Dean because he was different from all the other contestants. I felt for him during the family visit. I'm sure balancing bachelor fame has been difficult to navigate. However, we should be bringing attention to his illegal drone usage in National Parks. It's not okay to use his Instagram platform to promote…