cultural appropriation
cultural appropriation
In true Dead Letters fashion, the caller ended his rant, “And you better believe I’m calling with a Samsung Galaxy S8+ on Verizon, motherfuckers.”
I don’t know, is using Carmelo on defense ever a smart move?
Man, these Mexicans are showing up everywhere. Now they’re taking jobs away from hardworking black gangbang workers.
“what does it say if most white people are killed by other white people? I don’t know where to look that statistic up, but assuming it’s true, shouldn’t we then fix the problems in our culture/communities as well?”
Do racists, not understand the difference between sharing culture versus cultural appropriation? There are tons of events like the college event mentioned where people want to share their culture. Unless you are watching a how to wear a hijab tutorial you don’t know how it’s done. So who better to teach you than…
She’s the typical “I’m just saying.....” conservative racist. “I’m just asking questions”, like it’s not racist at all but rather just opening up lines of academic inquiry. For someone who purports to be studying political science, she’s smart enough to play that little game and get all the fellow MAGAts to believe…
Yeah, and how many black people are there in the US? 50 million? How many cops are there?
I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that proud recognition that black people kill more black people than the police do as I don’t even know what the point there is supposed to be. Especially considering that it is comparing a group of people to a profession that is supposed to be protecting the community. There’s…
I play polo-style from the golf cart without ever once stopping the cart completely. He knows nothing about slow play frustration.
And the cycle begins again of me feeling blah about these announcements, wondering if Superhero movie bubble will burst, then falling in love with these movies and shows when they finally come out.
“I will pay the bail!”
“We don’t have a bail system.”
“That doesn’t matter. I will pay it.”
“But we don’t have bail.”
“Oh, so he can go?”
“No, I mean the system.”
“Yes, I will pay it. Even the most bigly of cost.”
You know the end of the world is near when Justin Bieber is schooling the POTUS. Oh, well. We had a good run for a few years, there.
Marvel, Doctor Who and really most of our sci-fi feel incredibly earthist. One day we are going to to be incredibly embarrassed when interstellar bugs rule our planet and bring peace to the universe.
The other child, unfortunately, was born as one of the Deviants. He had purple skin and a pronounced, bumpy chin, and though he had a relatively normal childhood alongside his brother at first, things eventually took a turn and he grew up to be a genocidal maniac with a fondness for wiping out half of all life in…
Edgelord rating: 0/10
This show is on CNBC. People who watch that channel are either in on it or want to pass themselves off as in on it.
Aaron Rodger’s Brother: “We’re doing these properties in, like, a WEEK.”