LeBron James will also never got caught shaving points to pay his gambling debts and secretly get suspended for 2 years. So, you're right, he'll never be MJ!
LeBron James will also never got caught shaving points to pay his gambling debts and secretly get suspended for 2 years. So, you're right, he'll never be MJ!
Michael Jordan would never have recruited AD, but if he did, which he wouldn’t have, and wanted to give him his number 23, which he wouldn’t have, he would have closed the deal, because he was a killer. You think Phil Knight would have wanted a piece of MJ one on one in the boardroom? My friend, he would not. LeBron…
I actually get more of a Brett Kavanaugh vibe from him.
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
Which is, ergo, the Zodiac Killer
At what point do we accept that this guy is who he is, which is Ted Cruz?
The real story here is the depressing state of Vrabel’s broken marriage.
heck, Tom Brady did all kinds of crazy shit to his balls
I too would cut off his dick for a super bowl win.
I mean, maybe it would help if they come up a few inches short of a winning TD again.
Australians: HAHA, Mate! “Rooted in Oakland” is like saying, “Fucked in Oakland!” Crickey!
Oaklanders: If we wanted to say that, we’d just say, “Raiders fan.”
Jhonen Vasquez on Twitter pointed out that it looks like a lion ate a Lion King fan, and now the fan is singing Lion King songs from inside the lion.
And for all the talk of his “protectiveness” towards Eleven, he did not mention her once in conversation on his entire adventure.
Hopper was the only thing I really disliked this season, but looking at the episode comments here it seems I am in a minority (though thank you, Alex, for waving the flag!)
I have absolutely zero issue with the Hopper and El/Mike element this season. Lots of people likely saw themselves in Hopper. Being the parent to a teen is hard. Being thrust into being the parent to a teen has to be terrible. Mike was absolutely being a jerk.
I could not possibly care less about his whiny little feelings in that scene. He’s a grown ass man. If he can’t handle mild teasing from a rude 13 year old without flying into a rage, he shouldn’t be raising one.
Yeah but as the article states, the problem with Hopper this season isn’t what he’s doing, but how he’s doing it: always loud, always grating, always shouting, always not paying attention to anyone but himself. I’m only on episode 4 and I’m done with him.
My favorite CC Onion bit was “CC Sabathia In Best Shape Of Bartolo Colon’s Life”.
Thanks for the reply!
I get some of the yelling, some of it. But to me it comes across as the writers thinking that it was really funny last year, and seizing upon it like it was some form of fan service.
Season 1 Hopper is WAAAAY quieter, he drinks, but doesn’t drive home (that) drunk, abuse his powers as chief of…