TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

So I’ve been severely triggered this week. I have been sexually assualted 3 times in my life but the one that resonated with me most this week was when I was 16. I was at a small gathering (8-10 people) drinking Coronas. My best friends boyfriend was there but she was not. I went outside to have a cigarette and he

Every single caller that shared their story, pained me. I was watching and listening on CSPAN all day.

The way she expressed herself and the emotion does strongly suggest that it is from personal experience, but if it is then that’s her story to tell if she wants to. I ‘m not sure if I’m glad that women are speaking out and getting listened to, or deeply sad that there are so many of them.

IIRC like most Republicans Graham voted to convict and remove Bill Clinton from office over his impeachment. Indeed, Susan Collins is the only Republican still on the Senate who voted against removing Clinton from office. So when Republicans grandstand about how it’s unfair or unheard of to investigate allegations on

But also, they want to remind women everywhere that powerful men are not to be questioned, and that women who dare to do so will pay a heavy price.

You’re right, assaults cannot really be dealt with unless a victim is willing to report. However, we should be putting pressure on people (let’s not kid ourselves, I mostly mean men) in positions of power to create a system in which victims feel safe coming forward. Because whatever this is, it’s not that.

He sees the opportunity to become the new AG, and a stalwart defender is exactly what the big man (with little hands) wants.

I agree with the spirit of everything you say, except for the one small detail about nominating female justices. Sandra Day O’Connor was a Reagan appointee, after all.

The nice thing about wishing death on people is that it’s guaranteed to happen eventually, even if the wait is longer than you’d like.

I feel like this needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His apparent gayness is not something to be ashamed of or that should be used to shame him. He may be ashamed, but should not be.

Or Eric Schneiderman. Or John Edwards.

Or Al Franken.

Or Al Franken?

Yup.  If Democrats nominate a rapist, we’d want to know about it.  Apparently that counts as a high moral bar these days.

Lindsey Graham just falsely told a bunch of reporters that Democrats are never subjected to accusations of sexual misconduct

I do not know a single woman who has not experienced some form of male sexual aggression. I’ll turn 60 in January, but still remember incidents that happened when I was 14, and 16, and 17, and 22, and 30, and 35 . . . Some were humiliating innuendos, some were actual assaults, some were in high school and college,

And he plays golf with him all the time.

Oh my GOD. These dickwads need to fucking STOP with this whole “they’re ruining his life!” bullshit.

“I’m looking for corroboration”. And yet they didn’t make the other witness to the assault testify, and refused to have the FBI do a full background check, even though this is what is routinely done.