TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

Either postpone everything to when there’s a reliable vaccine, or put it on TV now. Like, all of it. NOW.

Counterpoint: fuck that. I have some family friends who are in their 80s, and the first thing they said to me and my partner when they found out one of our colleagues was transitioning was, “so, you mentioned that ‘she’ is actually ‘he’? We’d like to meet him, because around here we don’t get to learn much about trans

The Harry Potter series was a big part of my formative years. As a Black man, I always saw the anti-pureblood message in the books as very positive from a racial standpoint, but then I remembered that people can be open minded about one subject, and completely ignorant and bigoted on another. I completely agree with

Yuuup. She’s the only danger in this video, and I really don’t buy this apology at all.

I feel like Lou Grant. “You’ve got SPUMC. I hate SPUMC.”

This is a very good list.

I can’t help but notice for seasons 4-6, you’re recommending pretty much every episode.

My favorite Garak bit is when Bashir tells him the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf and Garak’s big takeaway is that you should never tell the same lie twice. A perfect encapsulation of his thinking early in the series that he remains committed to throughout.

Ha ha ha! I saw this one polo-shirt-wearing snap-back-hat jerk stretching out with his WTF-iron and I said to myself, “Self, what would a busy-body white lady do in this instance?” and I pulled out the old cell phone and called the po po

Since this seems like the perfect forum for a pedantic Star Trek argument, I’m going to have to say you are incorrect. The “spandex” uniforms from the early seasons were single piece jumpsuits, so there was no adjusting them. The Picard Maneuver only came into being once they introduced the two piece uniforms, which

Everybody knows that the Picard Maneuver is the way they all had to keep adjusting those spandex uniforms from TNG S1.

I agree with 90% of this.

Yep Kahn was Kirks reckoning. Same situation too, he quick fixed the situation with Kahn by sending him off to his own planet and never came back not caring if they would live and die.

I thought that too.  But I think he came to terms with how wrong it was during his Captain Ahab monologue, when Lily brought up the crewman/Borg he killed.  He realized then that he had rage which blinded his actions.

That’s a very good point.

His ego is finally catching up to him. His entire career in Starfleets basically been full of his getting praise and getting away with figurative and literal murder.... And now long after he passed his expiration date it’s catching up. His promises are being seen as false, his quick fixes are falling apart and his

I know we only have room for so much trauma, but one thing I did wish this episode addressed was a moment in First Contact when Picard comes across an Enterprise-E crewman begging for help as Borg technology begins assimilating his body; Picard, believing he was saving the crewman from a fate worse than death, kills

The thing is though, when you’re a teen you think that it’s for life. Sure looking back now as jaded adults we can think “of course they’ll split up as soon as they go to different colleges”, but at the time you believe that your school crush is the One.

Captain Kathryn Janeway: Let me get this straight. Trans-dimensional aliens have mistaken your Captain Proton simulation for reality?

And then there’s this immortal exchange: