TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

Yuuup. She’s the only danger in this video, and I really don’t buy this apology at all.

Ha ha ha! I saw this one polo-shirt-wearing snap-back-hat jerk stretching out with his WTF-iron and I said to myself, “Self, what would a busy-body white lady do in this instance?” and I pulled out the old cell phone and called the po po

also , also ..the English language name for a member of the police force is 'Guard'...make of that what you will... 

Did you just say Ireland was in the UK???? Grr..

Ahem, Ireland is not in the UK.

My impression is that the world Brendan inhabited wasn’t Earth, but the same one the Doctor and crew arrived at in the far future. Alien planets have always had a striking resemblance to the UK for some reason... I guess it’s the same reason Korea always looked like Southern California in MASH. :)

I assumed that she inherited the apartment as well as the shop.  

Like, if she owns that little shop, then selling it at the prices that were available in the Upper West Side commercial property in the late 90's would have set her up for life.

But you’re talking mostly about emails in work settings, though I have to say I’m curious about your profession because in all the 20+ years I’ve been working I’ve never encountered email issues to the severity like you describe.

1. It would take an incredible amount of discipline to hold onto that persona for 30 years

Your troll showed up and unfortunately someone ungreyed him. 

Emails was the main correspondence between these two characters, so absolutely that was a likely email. I used email extensively with my future wife at the time while we were dating, and we wrote long emails to each other similar to this. (we had some restrictions on how and when we could communicate because of her

I love the original Shop Around the Corner. I first saw it as a kid on TMC or something and really enjoyed it, so I was a bit excited when I realized while watching You’ve Got Mail the first time what its inspiration was. Despite its year long seasonal setting, You’ve Got Mail has become sort of a holiday film for

Has anyone mentioned Vito Corleone yet?

I admit, I had to read this twice to make sure Sacha Dhawan hasn't played Davros.

You’re the one shitting your shorts in here about how terrible it is.

Well, you could go the fuck away. I bet that would solve the problem for ya double-quick.

I feel like no matter what your feeling is on any of these movies, we all fall into the same trap, which is taking them as a personal attack. Kylo pieces his helmet back together after smashing it? It’s not That Progress Isn’t Linear, but that They Are Retconning The One I Liked!

The thing is though, when you’re a teen you think that it’s for life. Sure looking back now as jaded adults we can think “of course they’ll split up as soon as they go to different colleges”, but at the time you believe that your school crush is the One.