If I don’t see Bradley Whitford in at least one walk-and-talk scene spouting data points from polling about how government spends money to fight monsters, this whole thing will be for naught.
If I don’t see Bradley Whitford in at least one walk-and-talk scene spouting data points from polling about how government spends money to fight monsters, this whole thing will be for naught.
This look no better
Congratu-fucking-lations, Facebook. After years of bullshit about how impossible it is to moderate your platform you finally decide to do the bare minimum. Good thing the whole world isn’t gripped by ultra-right zealotry that you aided and abetted.
OK forget the idiocy of shoehorning him into OJ’s Bronco and stupid shit like that - someone actually thought having him sit in front of the Murrah federal building while it collapsed was anything other than hideously offensive?? Every detail in this writeup sounds misbegotten.
“We are who we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
You’re the only Grey I’ll probably end up replying to, because I have a feeling most no one else is going to adequately address why this is a complicated issue in good faith.
Before people start jumping in and saying “B-but, muh 1st amendment rights!!” without understanding a gorram thing:
It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.
How come I’m not seeing any headlines on this story that include William H. Macy? I understand that both of these women are well known, but its weird that their equally culpable -- and charged -- husbands aren’t getting the same attention.
Its probably because they’re weeaboos with asian fetishes and are using BAA as their “good girl”.
You don’t know how right you are. After a hard day of throwing bricks at effeminate schoolboys I was watching VHS tapes of The Man Show in my man cave while drinking whiskey (neat, natch) when they arrived: The Feminazi Political Correctness Enforcement Squad. They dragged me out at the point of neon pink guns (because…
Gerard, One, your poetry needs work. Two, we’re all waiting for you. People of all races, genders, sexual orientations, religions are just hanging out, having a good time with each other. Yes there are plenty of white men there too. You choose to hang out in an echo chamber with your clones, hateful, straight,…
Guys, I can’t believe Brie Larson’s armies are going to force all men to go watch Capt. Marvel this weekend and cut their dicks off in the theater, this sjw regressive leftism has truly gone too far smh my head
Holy shit, I had the EXACT same reaction. Just one minute was friggin’ exhausting.
Around the 1 minute mark I was sure 3 minutes had passed and it was about to end. :(
Holy crap, I could not finish that video.
Don’t be a dick.
What is your default score? Almost all of your reviews are C, C-, or C+. Do you start at C, then move up or down? Or do you honestly think all these movies are mediocre (you have been given a number of duds to review)?