TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

No, you haven’t made shit great except maybe your bank account, and fuck you. Your kids are all (minus Barron, for now) fucking goblins. You have the same hair as your Mom; who was Scotland’s worst export, and apparently you cosplay her, but that’s normal, ain’t it Norman?

The only people who “need” to see the n-word tape are white people who believe that racism is a zero-sum game. Either you hate black people and call them the n-word and you’re racist, or you’re not. These are people that don’t believe that racism operates on a scale, because believing that racism only involves hatred

That 40% won’t change even if you get multiple recordings of Trump saying the n-word and anything else you can imagine he’s probably said. He was right when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose his supporters.

I’ve been thinking a lot about a post-Trump future, and I want all the evidence in the world out and publicly available because you KNOW that if we get out from under his spell, the world will try to return to “normal” as quickly as possible and one of the things they will do is try to sweep the less flattering parts


I had a white friend named Tariqah (his parents were some kind of hippies or something). After he graduated law school, we were having a drink and he started wondering aloud why he hadn’t gotten so much as a call back. I was like, you can’t be this stupid. It’s your name, use your middle. Instant turnaround. Opened

“most hacking is accomplished via email/phone phishing or brute-force guessing shitty passwords”

Most of what you’re describing isn’t hacking, but social engineering.

Wait...they’re still using fax machines?!?

I work in high level federal vulnerability management. Commercial/small size businesses like this with no dedicated IT team or procedures that occupy certain industry verticals, such as private health, are actually the prime targets for cyber exploit, by far. By faaaaaarrrrrrrrr. Helluva lot easier to gain entry or

“you don’t know much about hackers or hacking”

BTW whoever has the name “ChakaKhanWhenTheWallsFell” and starred me, I love you forever.

Well my initial reaction was “Her email address must be unprofessional or something. It’s certainly a consideration factor when I’m going through a stack of resumes.

If a school in the South has “Christian Academy” in its name, there’s about a 95% chance it exists so white parents don’t have to send their kids to school with black children.

You’re talking about suggestive “ghetto” names, and your company is named “Mantality”? GTFO, right now.

Jordan walked by the fax machine and saw her resume and thought he would have some racist fun. No one who actually knows how to hack is going around hacking Indeed employer accounts to say racist shit. Racist people openly do racist shit and say racist shit and 100% of racist people are stupid as fuck. MAYBE 2% of


Hacked? No Caught? Yes.  They have probably been doing this for awhile but finally someone put them on blast for it.  

Pro Tip: If you can’t guarantee that there isn’t a tape of you saying the n-word, then you might as well go ahead and release the tape yourself.