TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

Daniel Okrent’s Last Call, a succinct and accessible history of the United States’ period of alcohol prohibition, contains a chapter explaining precisely how the US census and subsequent redistricting/jerrymandering were deployed to enable the Drys to take control of Congress when the nation as a whole was overwhelming

Her body language is screaming, “He’s not Sean Penn!”

You really do not get it. It is not hate of “white women”. It is an annoyance when white females do not use their power or privilege to assist woman of color. Look at Anne Hathaway. The root literally praised her for helping a woman of color. Your comment is the purist example of how white women do not understand.

Also, no one in this thread seems to remember this is the first Presidential election since the gutting of the Voting Rights Act. A lot of African-Americans in GOP-run states were knocked off the voting roles.

Or we could be charitable and take that statement as a reflection solely about her experience with motherhood and her craft.

For real.  Calm the FUCK down.

Ikr? She comes off like an overdramatic simpleton.

This B said we were going to “bow down to President Trump” in the documentary before the election. She’s HAS ZERO CREDIBILITY. I don’t care that she’s essentially “validating” what we already know. This B was willing to sell her soul, black ppl, April Ryan, etc. to take a backseat (‘cause she was rarely in view!) to

I agree, couldn’t find a more offensive + tattoos picture/didn’t want to see several pages of that face.

Omarosa finally figured this out? On her own? Man it’s like She watched Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and got halfway through Return Of The Jedi and finally realized that Darth Vader was a bad guy. Nothing gets past this genius.

It wasn’t until I found the massive pile of nazi memorabilia; and saw his Cape Fear style back tattoos, that I knew that he was racist.

Suckabee disputed or rebutted Omarosa’s claims, but she certainly hasn’t refuted them unless she shows the receipts.

Honestly, the only surprising part of this whole story to me is that Skellyanne’s husband is half Filipino.

Omarosa feigning surprise that her white daddy is a racist POS shit... must be Friday.


Putin may have pasty skin, but take a good look at shots like this:

But that would require any work outside of just filling in a nomination form every 4 years and whining about how shit the Dems are when they do zero fucking work themselves.


Brace yourself, angry white dudes are coming.

I agree with the general idea of what Spike is saying, but I also think black and white people take allyship for granted in a lot of ways. I definitely appreciate any white person who is willing to use their privilege to speak up for POC, especially when there aren’t any POC around when they’re doing it, but for me